:01 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan Chen | - Mark your calendar - WOLFCon 2023, August 22-24, The University of Chicago
- Can attend in person or virtually. Virtual is free.
- Heather McMillan on WOLFCon planning committee.
- Think if you have any topics you would like to hear about or anything you would like to present on: WOLFCon 2023 Proposal Form (proposal submission deadline - Monday, June 5, 2023)
- PC Updates
- Voting for councils through May 29. If you didn't get a ballot can reach out to Marko Knepper or Boaz Nadav-Manes.
- Special Meeting on Data Import: June 1. All are invited. There are some background reading documents
- PC meeting 2023-05-04
- PC meeting 2023-05-11
- Next meeting, Friday, May 26, at 9 am Eastern