Rec Type | ID | Editable? | Global/Local | Why unique? | Explicit or augmented? | System-generated or manual? | Notes |
Item | Barcode | Y | G | Resource sharing | Augmented | M | Nearly impossible to eliminate barcode duplication across a large consortium, but need to differentiate ownership. |
Item | HRID | ||||||
Instance | Instance HRID | ||||||
Holdings | Holdings HRID | ||||||
Organization | Code | L | |||||
Organization | Name | L | |||||
Orders | PO Number | G | Erring on the side of caution here. Certain visibility into orders is necessary but deeper analysis of how much is shared is required | ||||
Orders | PO Line | G | |||||
Invoices | Invoice # | L | |||||
Acquisition Unit | Name | G | Possible use case: central tenant acquires on behalf of other tenants. | ||||
Fiscal Year | Name | L | |||||
Fiscal Year | Code | L | Presumptive. Need confirmation from consortia. | ||||
Ledger | Code | L | |||||
Group | Code | L | |||||
Fund | Code | L | |||||
Voucher | Number |
Processes Potentially Affected
- Requests
- Loans
- Fines/Fees
- Users
- Collaborative collection development (view-only)
Data Import
Most important matchpoints for Data Import:
- SRS MARC Bib: 001, 010, 035, 9xx fields, 999 ff
- SRS MARC Authority: 001, 010
- Inventory Instance: HRID, UUID, OCLC number, LCCN, Other local ID, POL, VRN
- Inventory Holdings: HRID, UUID, Perm loc, URI, POL, VRN
- Inventory Item: HRID, UUID, Barcode, POL, VRN
Proposed Workflow