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Attendees (39)

Alice Daugherty

Ann Crowley


Suzette Caneda


Virginia Martin


New Business 

Previous Business

Discussion items


HousekeepingSusan Martin
  • Susan on vacation next week, will be back on the 26th.
  • Ann-Marie - Looked at an EBSCO serials credit and was able to get it working. Just one little tweak to make to let the system know it’s a credit instead of an invoice. We will look at that next week. 

6 min. after

Fiscal Year rollover amount not shown on POL after rollover.

Dennis Bridges
  • Fiscal Year rollover amount not shown on POL after rollover,Image ModifiedUIOR-768.
  • What’s happening is when you roll over an order, depending on how you decide to roll over encumbrances, the system will adjust the cost so the estimated price is in line with the encumbrance amount. You can chose to augment your PO to increase the cost by a %.

  • At the moment it doesn’t display on the PO line.
  • You can see the unit price and quantity, then the discount.  Calculates out to the estimated price. If this was the 2nd year of this order, and we based our encumbrance based on what was paid.  The field, FY adjustment amount. The user needs to be able to see this amount to be clear why the estimated price is what it is.
  • Other thing, if there is a FY year adjustment and you want to change the cost in year three, as soon as you start editing the cost, the thinking is the system will clear the FY adjustment amount. It will be displayed, but once you edit the cost, it gets cleared.

  • Virginia: Lets say you have an ongoing order you pay $100. But originally was $80. Rollover will estimate $100. But now expecting a price increase. Go back and adjust the price to $120. Is that correct?

  • Dennis: Yes

  • Virginia: In Aleph we have an order log where we can see all the changes in an order. There is a log that shows this user made this change to the encumbrance. That would be missing for me here in FOLIO.

  • Dennis: That is a perfect transition to the next topic! Are there any questions? There will be a descriptor box to explain what the number is and why it is there.

18 min. after

Display a history of edits for the order record.

Dennis Bridges
  • Same structure of all the other pages.

  • This wiki page references capturing a change log for a given record in general. It is important to focus specifically on the order record.

  • Problem: Keeping track of how the order is changing. There are a lot of reasons why this is important.

  • 1st requirement, user is shown what field and when it was edited based on their local time zone. We will be tracking edits to all fields.

  • Next, show what the change was. (If price change, what was it, and what was it changed to).

  • Last, that this log will grow. For some records this could be extensive. It may be difficult to find information over time. It would be helpful to filter this list.

    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  12:25 PM Would it be possible to also have a note as to why something is changed--not for all fields, but for some this could be valuable like for price with ongoing orders

    • I have examples

  • Dennis: Can you provide a use case?

  • Sara: I have two. For ongoing orders print and e, if a publisher is bought by another, the price can increase a lot in a single year. It’s valuable to keep the information on why there is a big jump, and the decision to keep or not because of the big price increase.

  • Another, we had entered into a three year contract where we were going to get it at a certain price. The vendor changed systems and didn’t bill us. I thought the first year was the next year. The vendor said we owed for two years. They were going to invoice for double. So made a deal they would split the first year across the next two years. Then would go back to original price. They did not return us to the base price they agreed too. Because she had all the notes, she saved a lot of money. It is valuable to have all the notes with the prices since we can’t depend on the vendor.

  • Ann-Marie: That seems like you would just put in a note. Would the note be in the change log, or just a note with the order. As long as the note and change log have the same date, you can correlate it.
  • Sara wants to note where she can see it when dealing with the payment information.

  • Virginia: This fits in with what Sara was saying, the law library uses their order log as a place where they put notes. It is helpful to have the note with the change.

  • Dennis: It is possible to capture the notes with the changes, need to think about the workflow. Maybe a link to the existing notes functionality. This is something to explore with the UX team and come up with a few options.

    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:28 PM Huge price jumps should be noted in POL somewhere obvious we may re-visit the renewal decision?

    • From Virginia Martin to Everyone:  12:32 PM I'd be content with being able to manually add a note.

    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  12:33 PM It sounds like we should have a future agenda topic on demo/discussion about concerns with the notes app (in relation to acq records)

  • Dennis: Do you see yourself making changes to an order, and then going back after the fact and updating the note relating to one of those changes? Instead of creating a new note, just adding to the note that is there.

    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to everyone:  12:34 PM I update Notes all the time

37 min. after

Looking at mockups.

Dennis Bridges
  • Mockups to represent what is being captured.
  • First one incorporates the change log into the record last updated section.

  • Other version is a full screen. Maybe add an action that you want to see the change log for the record.

  • How often would you reference this change log? Does it need to be this handy? Is it valuable to see the change log and PO details at the same time?
  • Question: Is there a change log for the PO level as well as the POL?

  • Dennis: We are looking at the POL. 

    • From Virginia Martin to Everyone:  12:40 PM We refer to our order logs pretty regularly, so I anticipate using this feature every day. We currently cannot see the order log information at the same time as all of the PO/POL information, just can see the title and some record numbers but I prefer to see it in context of at least some key information about the POL / PO

  • Sara C: It would be nice to see what the note is referring too. I frequently just open multiple tabs to see various things at one time. Is that possible here? I could open the log on one screen and the PO on another?  But problem when two people are editing at the same time, and one person’s edits are wiped out.

  • Dennis: Yes. It is possible to have it open that way. And that is a problem to address.

  • Ann-Marie: It’s called failing silently. Whoever saves it last will override the others changes when both are editing at the same time.  In Kiwi will be looking at this more. The plan is to start with inventory, then whatever is the solution will be extended to the other systems.  

*Dennis lost power and dropped out for a few minutes

  • Ann-Marie: Is it important to have a change log when a PO is still pending?

  • Susan: My thought it’s only important when it’s open.

    • Three people in chat agreed with Susan.
  • Sara C: It depends on varying things. Right now I have to unopen an order, change something, then open again. I wouldn’t want the changes to be lost during that process.

  • Ann-Marie: Maybe if tracking requests and something changes. But can just add a note.

  • Dennis: It’s important to see what POL I am looking at when looking at the change log.

  • Would like a discussion on what fields you actually see here in the change log.
  • Time stamp is important.

  • Source – This one may be controversial. It seems relevant to display who or what made the change. For some this may be problematic. Is it enough to mask the user ID if that is possible? Do the details of what happened made it problematic?

  • Martina: We need to be able to mask the information.

  • Virginia: In Aleph, it includes the change. It has more of a narrative note. It also captures transactions against the order as a change. So if money is encumbered, then the invoice is paid, the log will capture that the value changed from the encumbered amount to $0.

    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  12:58 PM PO Created on [date} is that = to when it was changed from Pending to Open??

  • Dennis: No, it’s the date the order was created.

  • Sara: So would that get captured in the log?

  • Anne-Marie: There may be a filter. I’ll look at this.

  • Dennis: May still be outstanding questions. Will try to update mockups and revisit this discussion next week. May revisit the invoice discussion about paying an invoice against the previous FY.

Action items
