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 8:05FOLIO Roadmap: Revisiting the FOLIO Roadmap Martina

Roadmap Themes - Google Sheets

Martina the features of the roadmap and it's features. 

Grouped the features into theme's. 

Column C is the theme we are aiming for. 

At the moment just trying to get an idea what this might look like. 

Should include dependencies

Roadmap may cover several years. 

This is a living document. 

Maybe an annual cycle of revisiting the roadmap. Do you think the group should revisit this more often or less often?

Dennis: This is more of a vision for the project. Does it tie into the pointing or rankings?

Martina: Ideally yes it will be. It should be a vision of a list of wishes as well in alignment with the po's and development team plans.  

Dennis: It may influence what you want the SIG's to talk about?

Martina: Yes, it's something the community needs. 

From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:12 AM Dennis - I’d asked a similar question at equivalent roadmap presentation at the ERM SIG

Martina: The process of what the roadmap will be will be developed over a period of time. Maybe discuss in the SIGs what they would like to see in the roadmap. 

From Owen in chat: I think being clear what is “vision” (guiding our direction) and what is “description” (this is what the various groups are currently working on) are made clear
Sorry - I mean - the roadmap should be clear which is being done in any particular statement or description

Dennis: Being clear on what's being implemented vs what is being discussed should be clear. 

Dennis: Will The different theme's relate to the different SIG's?

Martina: Some will be, some will be cross apps. 

Dennis: It will be helpful to highlight what Apps are involved with the theme. 

From Alexis Manheim to Everyone:  08:15 AM
It seems like the roadmap should be updated at least every time there is a release if not more often? I'm new to this, so maybe that doesn't make sense, but annually does not seem often enough.

From to Everyone:  08:15 AM
Toward your first question about annual cycle - I think that time cycle is reasonable. It would allow for adjustments in the succeeding years based on what has happened.  6 months may not give enough retrospective time to be useful and any longer would not be agile enough

Owen: Alexis can you clarify what you are expecting from the roadmap? 

Alexis: If the roadmap is a vision, but if the vision doesn't match reality, what happens? There will be several releases between reviews. 

Owen: If the roadmap is more of an annual vision, then it doesn't really matter how many releases there are.  The roadmap seems to be very granular and something you see a JIRA on. To me, the roadmap is more of a higher level. 

Dennis: I agree with Owen. It looks feature based, and that is to granular to have an annual review. 

Susan: How long do you envision each iteration of this process will take? That should be considered in deciding how often to meet. 

Martina: Owen and Dennis, would you rather the roadmap be the epic level?

Owen: The epic level would be a reasonable level to focus on.  In the ERM development we don't focus well on the epics right now. 

From Dennis Bridges to Everyone:  08:24 AM Acquisitions is completely in the same boat.  As they having been really used, the epics require grooming to be useful.
Haven’t really been used*

Martina: The roadmap team will come to the po's and the community to put it together. 

Martina: If you have anything to add to the roadmap, then please let the group know. 

Susan: Will put this back on the agenda for teh 6th. 

This is the link to the roadmap questions:  - thanks all for your input!

From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone:  08:33 AM
@Martina - So if we have input for the list of questions should we add them directly to the "Roadmap Themes - ACQ" document linked above?

From Martina Schildt to Everyone:  08:34 AM
Yes, that would be great. Thanks!
