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Alice Daugherty

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)


Dennis Bridges

Dung-Lan Chen


Heather McMillan

Jackie Magagnosc

Jean Pajerek

Julie R. Stauffer

@Katy Kazee

Kimberly Pamplin

Lindsey Lowry

Lisa Maybury

 @ Loyd Marmot

Martina Schildt

@Masayo Uchiyama

Michael Phillips

Natalya Pikulik

@Okay Okechukwu 


Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom

Shannon Burke

@Steven Selleck

@Suzanne Mangrum

Tracy L Patton


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele


Dennis Bridges

  • Dennis – Owens’s presentation that was done for you last week has interesting implications for future reporting in Acq. There will be possibilities with respect to the Dashboard moving forward.
  • Developers still working on Bugfest. Several bugs were identified. There were about 20 bugs identified for Acquisitions. Still some data import unclaimed from Bugfest.
  • Ann- Marie, being able to load EDI invoices has been broken most of the time, but believe it is working now. Sabastian from Harrassowtiz reached out, they will schedule a meeting with them in a week or two. We know the basics work, what will be working in Iris, loading, linking to appropriate to po lines. What will not be working is adjustments. Invoice line or invoice level. Will be meeting with Ebsco and Gobi to work with other invoices.
  • Bill: Who all is meeting with Harrassowtiz?
  •   Dennis, Ann-Marie and Sebastian (From Harrassowtiz) .

Print Order Functionality (This is for R2 Release). 

For the video recording, this starts about 10 minutes after the hour. 

  • From within Orders.
  • Export settings
  • Choose what fields to print
  • Once you have done that, the data is organized into a printable format.
  • We looked at two versions.
    • A table with headers then all the pol’s.
      • Or
    • PO’s appear separately.
  • Previously, the team preferred each pol is given it’s own box of content.
  • Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone: 12:11 PM: Will we have to choose what info to print every time, or will we be able to set a default?
    • Dennis: Default at the moment is ‘all’. ‘All’ is defined as all of the fields previously identified by this group as wanting to have printed out.
  • Bill: Re: Use of such a printout, is for our own use, or to send to a vendor?
      • Primary use case is to send to a vendor.
  • Bill, a lot of the fields are not applicable to vendors. We would likely be sending an order for 40 titles, in which case, this is a lot.
  • Ann Marie – Priorities for sending orders out of folio, wouldn’t need to send edifact orders out since for the larger vendors would be ordering on their site. Needed a clean output to share with a smaller vendor for what is being ordered.
  • Should be email, print, or fax this to a vendor.
  • Dennis: The fields that show up, are because we went through each field and identified which fields we might want to send to a vendor.
  • Dennis: We can simplify this, by not giving you an option to not choose fields. Or rather than po and pol fields, we could have a box for ‘print for vendor’ that would only give you a few basics.
  • Chat Question: Can more essential fields such as title, fund, price, etc. be pushed to the top instead of buried among so many fields?
    • Ann-Marie: There might be a better way to organize the pdf. The title is buried towards the bottom.
    • Martina: would be great if we could create a template on our own.
    • Ann-Marie: With patron records, you can decide what information and what sequence you want them in. Perhaps we can follow that?
    • Dennis: What is the goal? Is there to much information?
    • Ann-Marie – This is more information than the vendor needs. And the title needs to be listed first.
    • Dennis: Sounds like, we need specific fields, we have too much information and it’s not organized in an ideal manner.
    • Martina: Expects to use this functionality and will provide an example.
  • Dennis will share the pdf so we can circle what we want. If only a few data points are needed, it’d be easier to make a table instead of a box for each title.
    • Dennis posted a pdf in #acquisitions-group
  • Having a customizable template may be a little to ambitious.
  • Chat: From Susan Martin to Everyone: 12:22 PM:  There are other ways to send out orders, not with the PDF.  You could extract the order data as a csv and email to vendor. But, that would have to be done outside of FOLIO (the email that is).  Separate PDFs for many orders to a vendor is not practical.
  •  Dennis: It is worth noting, we are looking at one specific po here. There may be multiple po lines, but it is one po.  If you want multiple po’s, will need to look at csv. At the moment, it is select one purchase order, then print it.
  • Chat: From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:31 PM:  Instead of having too many fields (some may not be necessary) printed on the PO, I'd vote to have the essential fields only plus a note field where you can enter specifics to the vendor.
    •  Dennis: We do have the ‘instructions to vendor’ in the order detail. We could allow you to enter a note as you are printing.
  • Dennis: You can already export orders into excel with R1, then search and filter.
  • Ann-Marie: Once people have Iris, it would be helpful for people to test and provide feedback on it.
  • Chat: From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone:  12:32 PM
  • There is at least one major-is vendor of legal publications that has limited technical capacity. I believe our acquisitions person was printing and mailing p.o.s to them pre-pandemic. I’m not sure what she is doing with them currently.
  • Dennis: Has posted the pdf in the slack channel. Anyone that has thoughts on printing pdfs, please feel free to download and mark it up, provide feedback on it. It sounds like it less important to choose what fields we want, and more important to have a clean and concise record of what we want.
  • Please share any thoughts on how to organize the information on the printout as well.

Short Cuts

37 minutes after the top of the hour. 
  • Dennis: Lets look at the short cuts. Demo’s how to work a hot key in the Finance app.
  • There is now a hot key for ‘create’ in finance app.
  • Ctl S is now a way to save.
  • Command option E lets you edit.
  • Collapse Command for accordion option G
  • If you want to play around. It is in R2. Short cuts will be in other apps as well.
  • Dennis: Make a wiki page to keep track of shortcuts
  • Is there a Glossary of commands?
    • Dennis: Has not been implemented yet. However, the Users app has some, and can access the shortcuts there. But for Acq it’s a separate story and is not there yet.
  • Julie – Will shortcuts be the same across apps?
  • Dennis: Yes, they will be the same across apps.
  • Ann-Marie: Each app may also apply specialized shortcuts that are unique to their app.
  • Chat: From Scott Perry (he/him/his) to Everyone:  12:44 PM: Anything that would allow for one step addition of a pol to an invoice would be much appreciated.
  • Dennis: On Finance; we might want a short cut for allocation. Or for view transactions.
  • In orders, we might want a short cut for open order, or duplicate.

Confirm what order details should be on the holdings record. Currently is it the following: 

  • POL number (Should be a hyperlink to the POL)
  • Order status
  • Order status date
  • Price
46 minutes after the top of the hour

UXProd – 1925

  • This story aims to populate the acq accordion with data.
  • Display of po line information on a holdings record in inventory.
  • Looking at implementing this right now. Want to take a look at again for feedback.
  • Displaying order information on the holdings information.
    • Pol number
    • Order status
    • Date
    • Price
  • Dennis: Is this all you would want to see if you are looking at the holdings?
  • Scott - Will there be a link from the holdings to the po, and a link for the po to the holdings.
  • Dennis: The link is on the PO side. On the holdings side, it is a hyper link. The actual connection is stored in the order record.
  • Dennis: This feature is specific with the information that appears on the holdings record.
  • Chat: From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone:  12:51 PM: If you’re looking for additions, whether it is a one time or ongoing order would be super useful.
  • Dennis: We are looking at the po level. The price is the estimated price.
  • Scott: This might be confusing, since the actual price may be different than the estimated price.
  • Julie, I wouldn’t mind dropping the price and just link to the order.
    • * Several people agreed.
  • Chat: From Bill Verner to Everyone:  12:55 PM: I'm hard pressed to think of a use case for seeing price displayed in the item record
    • Ann-Marie: If someone needed to know a replacement cost.
  • Chat: From Tracy Patton to Everyone:  12:55 PM: Create date might be more useful than Order status date in some cases.  Order status date could change if PO was unopened & opened again.  So Create date would be a more realistic indication of PO age.
  • Chat: From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  12:56 PM - But it may be created and stay in pending for a long time
  • Dennis: The open status, there is a specific date for the day it was opened. We could populate the ‘order status date’ and pull the date it was opened. Would you need to see both the day it was created as well as the day it was opened.
  • Susan: Lets keep it simple. I am comfortable with one date, just need to be consistent on what it means.
  • Dennis: Will continue this conversation on Thursday. Please give some thought before Thursday and discuss with anyone that might have an opinion in your institution about what is displayed in the holdings.
  • Chat: From Scott Perry (he/him/his) to Everyone:  01:00 PM: What’s the time frame for implementation?
    • Dennis: Currently associated with R2.
  • Chat: From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  01:01 PM: some workflows have pending, then approved, then open. I think it needs to be tied to the date the Order was opened, since that's what triggers the Inventory holdings/item creation/linkage
  • Dennis: Would like to close the book on this by Thursday.

