15 min
| Proposed plan
| Alexis Manheim Caitlin Stewart
| Determine what persists and/or needs completion so we know how much bandwidth we have as a group to start on new ideas/initiative; formally conclude completed projects (today!) Prioritize and agree on achievable goals for the year Determine subgroup assignments and time frames for completion
What are the things we need to do: Wrap up evaluation of new functionality. Incorporate all activities of Prioritization and Roadmap Group into regular PC activities Roll out prioritization process across additional SIGs. Acquisitions has an assistant PO, but not all SIGs have this. How will we support administrative overhead? Data Import has a topic tracker Could be discussed in subgroup. Team could discuss with SIG conveners What are the goals? - What’s on the roadmap for the SIGs and what are the outstanding gaps Community members understand current development priorities and know what items are scheduled for development Requirements can be raised by the community through different SIGs SIGs and the community have a way to prioritize these requirements POs and development teams have access to the prioritization results We can share list of community priorities across the board for release planning
Prioritization and roadmap group has completed work and help transition work We should check with Product Owners about how they would like to have this prioritization work shared and how it will be useful to them. What’s the best way to solve this problem? Come up with scope statement of problem, then delegate to smaller group for solution creation Discussion around how to move the process forward
This tracks to release planning - to allow for community top priorities to be incorporated into release planning We could bring this into SIG reports to share priorities
NEXT STEPS for Prioritization rollout Liaisons go to SIGs and get volunteers from each group. Do we need a kick-off meeting? - yes, people are feeling a bit uncomfortable with simply taking to the SIGs Maybe invite SIG conveners to SIG Update meeting? Next one is not scheduled until December 12, which is kind of late - will look to move to the December 7 Can we circulate a straw man in advance to get feedback about how to do this? Jesse Koennecke will schedule Prioritization and Roadmap Group meeting to develop straw man document
Better sample data - plan to have available in Sunflower Develop calendar system and populate all PC activities
30 min | Work already in progress that needs completion | all | Prioritization process, rollout to more SIGs Evaluation of the PC Evaluation of new functionality subgroup. Working with the wiki page: Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Functionality The subgroup would like to present its work thus far (checklist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_JgYUxsSnYvGEUF3jzRU8nnKC9H6rdvXDeGSAgh71E4/edit#heading=h.n9d3byq9nn3a and the question of how to communicate this out so those earlier in development get PC review) Time ran short in the meeting, asking individuals to via review checklist actions by October 24 Jennifer will reach out to Khalilah to get updated process on PO subgroup
Prioritization and Roadmap subgroup ???? Calendar/roles PC needs a cross-SIG Coordinator role - Kristin Martin will continue to take on this role this year. Google workspace calendar - Peter will get this set up. Who owns the account? Manager, Secretary, or Treasurer Manager will be owner, will take to FOLIO Officers for determination of management of account Jesse Koennecke will start process Alexis Manheim will create spreadsheet of items that we would want to track in the calendar