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Table of Contents


Sprint 107


API freeze for platform (Okapi/Stripes/RMB) readiness reviewRC review released platform components and facilitate meeting with unreleased components owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when component could be released


API freeze for platform (Okapi/Stripes/RMB)

API freeze for platform (Okapi/Stripes/RMB) and deadline for initial releases of platform components.  No breaking changes to the platform after this date.

Feature development freeze for R1 2021 release period. No new feature can not be added or changed after this date. Only defects are expected tie to R1 2021 period. Next R2 2021 release period feature development is expected at separate development branch and should not be merged to master before R1 2021 module release.

Sprint 107 - Sprint 109


Teams upgrade to the platform componentsTeams upgrade to the platform components versions that were released.
Sprint 108


Major interface version provided to be updated
Modules feature development  freeze R1 2021 - Platform core modulesFeature development freeze for R1 2021 release period. It is not allowed to add or change features after this date. Only changes to address defects are allowed. Next R2 2021 release period feature development is expected on a separate development branch and these new features should not be merged to master before R1 2021 module release.
Sprint 109


Schema upgrade testing week (BE core modules)

Review upgrade to platform components status.RC review upgraded components and facilitate meeting with non-upgraded components owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when component could be upgraded
Modules feature development freeze R1 2021 - Platform complete modulesFeature development freeze for R1 2021 release period. It is not allowed to add or change features after this date. Only changes to address defects are allowed. Next R2 2021 release period feature development is expected on a separate development branch and these new features should not be merged to master before R1 2021 module release.


Schema upgrade testing weekMajor modules versions should be released. Schema upgrade have to be released and tested locally by each team.


Teams modules releases


Platform Core Back End (Storage) modules releases


Platform Core Back End (Business logic) modules releases


Platform Core Front End modules releases

Platform Complete Back End (Storage) modules releases

Sprint 110


Platform complete BE (Business logic) modules releases


Platform complete Front End modules releases


Modules release readiness reviewRC review released modules and facilitate meeting with unreleased modules owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when module could be released). Major interface version provided to be updated


Schema upgrade testing reviewRC review upgraded modules and facilitate meeting with non-upgraded  modules owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when schema could be upgraded.


Final Review modules release readiness

RC review released modules and facilitate meeting with unreleased modules owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when module could be released
Module release deadlineAll modules must see R1-compatible releases by this date


Contact with devopsReview release information. Up to date versions should be set


Release integration weekBugfest environment preparation, testing of schema and data migration by EBSCO FSE team

Sprint 111


Q3 Release testing and hardening period


Functional testing (Bug Fest)Execute all TestRail test cases


Performance testing
Sprint 112


Ongoing triage and bug fixing of bugs begins immediately


Bugfix releases readinessRC review bugfix dashboard and facilitate meeting with unresolved modules owners to discuss available impediments/issues/problems to understand when module could be released


Bugfix releases deadline
Sprint 113


Release is public


Modules planned for release

Main release 19 March 2021

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira
jqlQuery"Epic Link" = FOLREL-455

Release notes

R1 2021 Iris Release Notes
