The voting rules captured here are worded ambiguously. This has caused confusion. Re-watching the recording of the meeting where these rules were agreed to, it's clear which interpretation was intended. The following clarifications have been suggested:
6 or more votes are required to make a decision
6 or more votes in favor are required to make a decision in favor of the motion
Example: A vote is called to decide that watermelons are better than carrots.
6 in favor, 5 against -> decision is made that watermelons are better than carrots. (i.e. motion carries)
5 in favor, <=6 against -> decision is not made that watermelons arebetter than carrots. (I.e. motion does not carry)
on the TC voted to accept this module on a conditional basis.
Conditions: Depending on the outcome of an RFC about the use of views to query data from multiple modules, changes to mod-fqm-manager may be required in the future.
Team has agreed to draft the RFC.
The vote last Friday ended with 5 for, 4 against. Given the clarified rules above, we will hold a revote today.
Not all endpoints show up in the generated API documentation. Reason is that some lives in a shared library used by both mod-fqm-manager and edge-fqm. Documentation is all in the OpenAPI spec, but generation tool is not picking up the library code.
Aye: 10, Nay: 0; motion carries
Much discussion centered around the integrity of the TC review process and whether we are setting precedents by accepting these modules, whether conditionally or by accepting a missed but easily-corrected requirement. There is a real concern that we are setting precedents that undermine the review process.
Steve Ellis will share an updated rollout plan (proposal) for refresh token rotation.
Original plan for Poppy to be a hard cutover, and there was concern about enough time to transition scripts and integration to the new authentication method.
The current proposal to support both methods during Poppy and allow a transition period, asking for buy-in from the TC.
At the August 25, 2023 meeting of the Tri-Council at University of Chicago, it was agreed that we would repeat the “List of Things that Could Be Better About FOLIO” survey that was conducted after WOLFcon at Hamburg (Sept ’22).
We ask all Council members to each survey three community members for a list of three things that could be better about FOLIO.Please enter the results into this documentby September 29, 2023.
In October, we will report back both on this year’s responses as well as an analysis on progress made against the 2022 goals.