Peter Murray Review where things are now
- Described AWS Budgets, Budget Alerts, Cost Anomaly Detection, and Rightsizing Recommendations
- Budgets / Alerts
- "Non-covered" costs are things that you can't make a plan to reduce costs
- Long-term contracts are for one-year duration, whether you use it or not. Break-even depends on usage, Open Search is around 70%.
- Can set overall budgets and for individual components.
- Cost Anomaly Detection
- Rightsizing Recommendations
- No alerts – you have to look for the recommendations.
- Peter has been paying attention to the Slack channel, adjusting as needed.
- Kubecost. We have a free license thanks to Peter. Look at Kubernetes costs, how much each team is spending.
- Hard to split costs between teams for shared resources. Simplest is to do an even divide. Better to split on usage.
- what kit fox accomplished in the prior sprint: - reduced the number of instances (from 16 -> 5) - switched to mem-optimized instance types - reduced # of availability zones from 4 to 2
- Is there a list of hosted environments? Mark Veksler will double-check with Kitfox. Rancher environments, plus snapshot, jenkins, etc.
- Current list, but it's outdated: AWS Kitfox Resources in Community Account 09/09/22
- Clusters is another doc, but might not be 100%
- Mark Veksler will ask the team to update
Maccabee Levine Discuss draft of D1
D1. Define a process for requesting, reviewing, approving, and documenting new tools and FOLIO environments as well as the addition of new AWS services to the project
- Draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q2m39Vw7L3eNDhEHDX1nGQzRtDogOd-UkrfTfmLdHoc/edit#
- Periodic review? Discuss for D2.
- Ok for anyone to create the draft. A team's representative (Dev Lead, PO or Scrum Master, QA Lead) can move to Submitted.
- The team representative should also be the one available to answer questions.
- Information required. Ok as-is.
- End date: just use a date. If they want it for a flower release, they can look at what that date would be.
- Ask whether it needs run continuously, or what idle hours will be.
- Should budgets, budget alerts be set up on an individual environment basis?
- AWS lets you tag each resource with a name/value pair. Could create a budget (and alert) for that tag. See if budget intrinsic cost is an issue.
- Agree to run by CC after we spec out process.
- Activation process ok.
- AWS Cost Review Group
- RACE RACI chart - responsibility assignment matrix. different groups, who is responsible (doing the work), accountable (for others' work), consulted, informed.
- Maybe this four group for 6m, with council ok.
- Maccabee Levine revise and put on wiki