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Comment: new module eval presentation/discussion



1 minScribeAll

Raman Auramau is next in the list, followed by Dennis Benndorf 

2 min

Review outstanding action itemsAllNo updates
    • Link to acceptance criteria in the TC's GH Repo from the wiki: Zak Burke will do this
    • TC has comment on Jakub Skoczen's document
    • ref data upgrades will be addressed at the PC
    • review the TC charter: still todo
3 minCouncil Goals/ObjectivesAll

Follow-up from previous meetings...

Previous notes:

From Mike Gorrell:

I have created a clean copy of what the Community Council created to identify which FOLIO Goals/Objectives were under the purview of the CC. We also took a stab at what thought would be handled by PC or TC. Please feel free to give us feedback/etc. and use for your planning purposes.

Update from Tod Olson?

3 minUpgrade/Migration Script Performance

Quick update from Raman Auramau?

skipped 2021-11-03

20 min

New Module Technical Evaluation

Previously: "External Code Submissions"

  • Note this has been renamed from "External Code Submissions" to "New Module Technical Evaluation"
  • A proposal for module submission/evaluation/review/acceptance is ready for review by the TC
    • The scope of the proposal is a process for acceptance into an official FOLIO release.
    • The subgroup acknowledges that a process also needs to be defined for acceptance into the FOLIO community resources (Hosted reference envs, CI/CD, platform-complete, etc.).  While related, and also important, this is viewed as out of scope for the proposal being reviewed today.
      • Any volunteers to generate a strawman for this?We need a volunteer for this, but have none at present.
    • Jakub Skoczen is working on a strawman for the JIRA workflow (closely tied to the new module technical evaluation process): began experimenting with the "Process project" workflow that ships with Jira. Will share with the sub-group this week and present conclusions to the TC on 2021-11-10.
  • Acceptance criteria published in the tech-council repo:
    • Still need a presence on the wiki that links to this; todo: Zak Burke
  • Craig McNally: Review of the new module technical evaluation process draft document
    • Tod Olson: there is a nascent cross-council group working to define the larger picture of module evaluation across councils
    • Tod Olson: So if a dev team wants a module to be included in a new release, they need to go through the PC. Is that correct? Yes.
      • Adam Dickmeiss: what about adding new 3rd party-deps to an existing module? Out of scope.
      • Jeremy Huff: whoops, there is a discrepancy with the acceptance criteria where we specify that code must already be within Marc Johnson: yeah, these two docs need to be reconciled.
    • Philip Robinson: glad to see Jira being used to manage this .Any volunteers?process.
    • Tod Olson: This looks great! But ... assuming we will look at it iteratively and that it may be tweaked in the future?
      • Yes, we should plan a retro after it's been put through its paces a few times. 
      • This makes some assumptions about input from the PC; Tod Olson will help raise awareness of this within the PC.
30 min

Technical Decision Making Process

This is a carry-over from last week.

  • The tech leads group not being a decision making body
  • Whether it's realistic and/or desirable for the TC to make every technical decision
    • There was some overlap here with the external code submission topic

Additional Context: 

For Today:

Time permitting

TC charter review

