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  • Thank you to all the candidates that volunteered and were nominated to run for the councils. Congratulations to all that were elected. 
  • Product Council:      
  •      Gang Zhou (Shanghai Library)
    • Sharon Wiles-Young (Lehigh University)
    • Karen Newbery (Duke University Libraries)
    • Alexis Manheim (Stanford Libraries)
    • Martina Tumulla (hbz, Cologne)
  • Technical Council:
    • Jeremy Huff (Texas A&M)
    • Jenn Colt (Cornell University Library)
    • Florian Gleixner (BVB - Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (Bavarian Library Network))
    • Maccabee Levine (Lehigh University)
    • Ankita Sen (Mainz University Library)
    • Dr. Ingolf Kuss (hbz, Cologne)
  • New FOLIO implementations:

Council Updates:

Community Council

Technical Council

Product Owners

Capacity Planning updates

Community Council

Membership drive

  • MoUs sent - status next Monday on return/renewal rate
  • 3 new Members from Germany last month:
    • University Library Kassel - Supporting Partner
    • Darmstadt University and State LibraryLibrary 
    • Supporting Partner
    • University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg (Frankfurt am Main)

FOLIO Resources

  • Resourcing Model group convened
  • Loss of key DevOps Resource, Community Developer from Prokopovych team 

Scope Criteria feedback

  • Need definition around MoU
  • Unrealistic to expect approval prior to work being done


  • New seat members announced:
  • The Community Council seats were uncontested and results were announced earlier. The following were elected to the Product Council:

    • Gang Zhou (Shanghai Library)
    • Sharon Wiles-Young (Lehigh University)
    • Karen Newbery (Duke University Libraries)
    • Alexis Manheim (Stanford Libraries)
    • Martina Tumulla (hbz, Cologne)

    The following were elected to the Technical Council:
    • Jeremy Huff (Texas A&M)
    • Jenn Colt (Cornell University Library)
    • Florian Gleixner (BVB - Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (Bavarian Library Network))
    • Maccabee Levine (Lehigh University)
    • Ankita Sen (Mainz University Library)
    • Dr. Ingolf Kuss (hbz, Cologne)

    Congratulations and thank you 

Website (

  • Redesign being coded. Launch date July 11, 2022

WOLFcon '22

Technical Council

Technical Reviews: no changes, translation app still waiting on Translations subgroup


  • Technical Evaluation Process: have solicited feedback on process and incorporated; will conduct retrospective on the group work.
  • TC Goals & Objectives: still collecting pain points, SysOps decided would be best to construct their own pain points document but there have been obstacles to finishing. Still intend to drive architectural topics at WOLFcon. Some pain points have clear costs in terms of time and money, which might help with directing effort to solutions.
  • Translation subgroup: Still having trouble allocating time for this subgroup, will try to recruit more broadly.
  • Controlling AWS costs: no further movement
  • Developer onboarding: intend to contact Marcia B., but no further developments at this time.

FOLIO Scope Criteria presented their work to TC, engaged conversation, broad agreement that the issues raised are important issues for FOLIO to address, with several practical and conceptual particulars.

Tools/Dependency decisions: How do we make decisions about updating required versions of tools/packaged used by the project, e.g. how do we decide to upgrade the version of Java that we use? Considerations are somewhat different between front end and back end. Starting point is to document current versions of software needed by each release and collecting comments on a draft process. (See Officially Supported Technologies and Managing Tools/Frameworks/Dependencies Version - DRAFT VERSION.)

Accepted proposal to formalize conventions for tenant and module names (ADR-000002 - Tenant Id and Module Name Restrictions).

Localization RFC for back end is nearly complete.

Security Team has asked about the support period for Morning Glory and Kiwi. There are older versions running in production who are not ready to upgrade, but the cost to back-port security fixes is high. TC is not the decision maker here. Most recent statement seems to be in the LTS Recommendation document, but it is unclear where this was presented and whether it was accepted by the project. Team will reach out to the authors of the document.

Kafka issues: There was a presentation this week pointing out specific scalability (and security) issues with the way FOLIO is using Kafka, particularly in the way we organize topics. The outcome is that there will be an RFC process to address the scalability issues.

Product Owners

  • Wrapping up Morning Glory. About ~90 features to be released. ~48 of those features are new features. 
  • Last two POs meetings have focused on mark instance records for deletion requirements. 

Capacity Planning updates

Browser Support for FOLIO

Owen Stephens

  • What browsers should be supported?
  • How do we determine when a browser is supported?
  • Probably TC Topic as well

Continue discussion from last week.  Note from 6/16: Knowing what we mean by "support" is important for this discussion, as the community itself is not charged with supporting end-users. Product Owners would treat a rendering bug that only happens in Firefox or Safari as at most a priority-2 bug because there is a valid work-around ("Use Chrome").
Future agenda topics
