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5 min


Emails with links to the ballots went out (May 30th). Some email has gone into spam folders.

New Live on FOLIO Libraries:

  • ​University of Melbourne - ERM
  • Lafayette College (Pennsylvania) - Full FOLIO
  • East Central Oklahoma U - Full FOLIO
60 min

FOLIO Scope-Criteria Working Group

Kristin Martin  

If someone isn't the rightsholder, what incentives are there for that person or group to maintain a module?  Turn it over to a council to make decisions? To be discussed further with the Community Council.  The support/maintenance is a function of the MOU, might this make signing the MOU a hurdle?  The signer of the MOU may need to take responsibility for changes from others.  There is a code review process that is supposed to account for this.

We could be fooling ourselves or hurting ourselves if making discussions with Product Council mandatory before module development starts.  We need other paths as well.  For instance, Shanghai is doing some really interesting work around circulation (link); we wouldn't want to penalize that work because they didn't come to Product Council first.  This path isn't the only path for something to come into FOLIO; this document is a more concrete description of how new work comes into FOLIO.

The Product Council does have the authority to determine what is included in a flower release.  This doesn't prevent others from doing their own work in the system.  The "product" is the flower release, and Product Council determines what is in a flower release.

The list of functions shared by China's folio community is forward-looking (link). Do we want to consider including those emerging functions in the FOLIO criteria document? Having a pathway for new functionality to come into FOLIO is a distinct benefit of FOLIO over other solutions in the marketplace.

We might be rapidly approaching the point where the notion of a "release" isn't the same for all libraries; there isn't one build that everyone around the world accepts as a release.  Releases might be differentiated by region of the world, by size/type of library, a unit determined by service providers, etc.  It is important to distinguish between the core of the platform and the apps that run on the platform.

5 minFuture topics
Next week is a SIG Convener's meeting week.
