- Discuss MODINV-876: Import profile with Instance match to POL and Vendor Reference Number not working
- Invoice line matching was first and the POL/VRN matching for invoice lines (which is part of the invoice field mapping profile). When matching an incoming invoice line to a PO line, FOLIO only matches against open PO ines
- Inventory matching (Instances, Holdings, Items) matching to POL/VRNs: current behavior is the same as invoice lines, where FOLIO only matches to the open POLs. However, the use cases for Inventory matching differ from Invoice matching. With Inventory matching, it's not about receiving or paying against the POL, but rather using that information to find the correct Inventory record to update. The POL may have already been received and paid, and thus closed.
- Leave the Invoice matching the same
- For Inventory matching against POL/VRN change the logic so that the match disregards the status of the POL. This will allow matching against open, closed (and even pending) POLs.
- A-M will update the Jira bug, confirm with Lynne, and review with devs
- Discuss In-Scope goal of UXPROD-2742: MARC-MARC matching enhancements
- MARC-MARC matches that result in multiple possible hits can be narrowed to single records with MARC-Inventory or static value submatches
- Use cases: 1) MARC-MARC match on OCLC number, and then submatch by Instance status
- If correct status, update; if not in correct status, stop
- If multiple hits from MARC-MARC match, submatch on status to narrow the multiple matches to 1, then update that particular instance
- Use cases: 1) MARC-MARC match on OCLC number, and then submatch by Instance status
- MARC-MARC matches that result in multiple possible hits can be narrowed to single records with MARC-Inventory or static value submatches
- Discuss MODINV-876: Import profile with Instance match to POL and Vendor Reference Number not working