Possible Nolana Job profile sequence (Data Import)
See video here
- Create Instance (source = MARC)
- Create Orders (with data from MARC Bib, Order data in MARC Bib, Order field mapping profile)
- DI would need to pass the Instance UUID as part of the Create orders info
- What happens if order is created as Pending?
- How to create source = MARC
- Open the order
- Which creates Holdings and Item based on info the POL knows, and provides the POL link in the Holdings and Item
- Question about whether opening the PO creates a new holdings or links to an existing holdings in the Instance
Second Nolana Data Import job
- Match on ??? VRN (to find newly-created Holdings and Item)
- Action: Update holdings - field mapping profile; only worry about 1 holdings for now
- Action: Update item - field mapping profile; only worry about holdings for now
- For Nolana, have to run 2 import jobs
- VRN must be in the original MARC Bib file
- Could we run it as 1 job with update actions after the PO is opened?
There are pros and cons to Orders app and DI app creating Holdings and Items