Versions Compared


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  • What are your library’s use cases for creating orders from MARC Bib records?
    • Approval plans (aka All happens at point of receipt/invoicing)
      • Create individual orders for each title, along with Bib/Instances, Holdings, maybe Items - all at the same time
      • DDA automatic eBook purchases - may not be creating items for these
    • Firm orders (aka Point of order and Point of receipt/invoicing)
      • Firm orders that are not API - create individual orders/temp Inventory Instances, Holdings, Items, then later finalize Bib/Instance, Holdings, Item
      • Lehigh tool workflow from Cornell (which uses MARC Bib data along with the the order API and Data Import)
      • Kim: Get records from OCLC and download to local system to create an Instance and Order (ca. 80-90 records per session), but not holdings or item. Holdings and item created when the materials are processed, which may only be a couple days after the orders were created. (EastView for Russian materials, MARCnow does cataloging and adds to OCLC; library gets records from OCLC)
    • Multi-line POs instead of Single-line POs (Cornell and Mich State)
      • Mich State likes 1 POL per PO for firm orders, but approvals are multi-line; settings are 999, which works for AP, but not for firm orders 
  • Walk through one library’s details of the top use case
    • Approval: Cornell Aux Amateurs
      • Separate MARC file for each invoice POL limit setting is 999
      • Holdings, Item, Invoice data in 9xx fields
      • Create the order as Open,
      • Be sure that the VRN is mapped into the POL
      • Then when order is opened, 
        • Orders app creates brief Instance, Holdings, Item
        • Creates expected receiving pieces, with synchronized receiving
          • Receiving pieces are created, but Cornell does minimal receiving for approvals; just click received and does not include barcode number or other item data
          • Library could also default to receipt not required, but
            • Lose some visual clues in that case, that the POL was fully received (which Michigan State observed)
            • Receiving Piece would not be linked to the holdings or item and would not populate the Receiving history accordion
        • Encumbers the funds
      • Lehigh app triggers Single record import that overlays each of the Instances, and changes Source to MARC, and then updates the Holdings and Item
        • Import stops if Instance Source = MARC
      • If no Lehigh app, and there is a file of 8 MARC Bibs
        • Import the MARC file 
        • Matching on VRN for Instance, Holdings, Item 
        • Updating Instance, Holdings, Item based on the update field mapping profiles
    • Approval Q&A:
      • Template needed? Probably not, and might be overly-complicated
      • Do libraries add lines to the approval POL manually? Usually no
      • Allow the POs to be created as Pending or Open
      • Also make sure that Receiving option is in the Field mapping profile, e.g. Receipt not required
        • Could orders be created and automatically transition to received, especially if DI is populating the details like barcode into the Item record?
      • Does the Orders app have to create brief Instance, Holdings, Item, or could DI do it? If DI does it, is there a way to link the POL to the Inventory records? A-M and Dennis discuss
  • See if there are variations in that use case for the other 2 libraries
  • Do the same for the next 2 use cases
  • Decide next steps (Focus group meets again? A-M and Dennis talk with Devs?)
  • A-M create videos of matching by POL and VRN

Things I we don't want to forget

  • Templates or no? Still TBD
  • POL maximum setting OK to follow? Maybe NO, if library does multi-line for APs and single-line for FOs
  • Can we confirm that things done manually happen the same way when they are done mechanically?
  • Work through scenarios where multiple libraries share the same instance, but separate holdings and items.
  • Does Inventory creation happen via Orders app (Instances would be Source = FOLIO) or Data Import app (Instances would be Source = MARC)? If DI, can we trigger POL links to be created?
  • What happens if vendor cannot provide the POL or VRN in the MARC Bib, or the OCLC number/ISBN is not a good match
  • Should Inventory be created first, and then the POLs? Or vice versa
  • Receiving app?
  • Only 1 holdings/1 item can be updated by DI right now
  • Fund and Expense class - do we need special field mapping syntax to split?
  • How does this dovetail with the Lehigh app - does this replace it or coexist with it?
  • What happens with POL links to holdings/items before the POL in holdings was implemented