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Add link for the Jira Feature
- Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)and Khalilah Gambrellwill draft initial outline and link to Jira.
- Then review with Data Import subgroup 8 Dec 2021
- Likely that Spitfire will do the development work during Lotus dev
Developer research spike details
- Existing Data Import UI and logic mainly focuses on updating MARC Bibliographic records during Data Import. Review all UI screens and logic to determine what adjustments are needed for updating MARC Authority records via Data Import
- Settings
- Job profiles
- No changes needed
- Match profiles
- What match parameters are needed?
- 010 $a to 010 $a (to do)
- 001 to 001 (already in place, but see note below about slashes and spaces; test numeric only matching?)
- 999 ff $s to 999 ff $s (already in place, but probably won't be used as much as 010)
- Notes about matching
- Leeda: Authority vendor (Marcive) sends 2 files: Bib records, and then Authority records in a separate file; LCNA is in 010 and 001; Authority file is a mix of updated authority records, plus records that would be new to Duke's catalog; also get a separate delete file 4x/year
- Jennifer E: match: 001 to 001; also have a label in bib record's 928 field, flagging records that need to be sent out for authority work; not currently loading authority, but planning to in the future
- Autumn (Mich State): match on 010, using Backstage for authority work; used a 9xx field to mark Bibs that need to go out for processing; MARC Auth file is a mi mix of Adds and Updates; not sure if separate delete file or just reports of which records need to be deleted
- 001 to 001
- Marcive includes slashes where spaces
- 010 to 010
- for 010, only match on $a? For now, yes; revisit if use case identified for matching on $z
- spaces between prefix and number; just match on number?, e.g. 001 sh\97006185\, vs 010 showing hard spaces
- 001 to 010 or 010 to 001: would fail, due to the difference in how spaces and subfields are handled in the two fields
- 999 ff $s to 999 ff $s - would not really be helpful since external vendor doesn't know about internal library numbers
- Any others? 010? (spaces between prefix and number; just match on number?), e.g. 001 sh\97006185\, vs 010 showing hard spaces
- Note that MARC-MARC only matches on 001 and 999 ff right now
- What match parameters are needed?
- Job profiles