Felix discussed how ZBW deletes records and keeps them in sync Instance deletion at ZBW: ZBW doesn't use SRS because they use CBS (the union catalogue) to manage all records outside of FOLIO Map record ID in CBS to HRID in FOLIO--copied from CBS and remains in sync (including holdings and item info) If you delete an item in CBS, it will get deleted in FOLIO as well If you delete the last item for your holdings in CBS, the holdings and instance will get deleted as well in you local system (FOLIO) Niels Erik discussed Inventory Update module Input that you send to this module--handles an "inventory record sets" (meaning Instance details, holdings details, and item details) -- all of this info is required for mod-inventory input/updates CBS is the source of truth -- mod-inventory takes the input and accepts that as the source of truth All matching is done by HRIDs Currently only interacts with Inventory (no other Apps/modules in FOLIO) When Instance HRID already exists: Takes inventory record sets from CBS, pushes to Inventory Update, then to Inventory Storage into an existing record set, compare the two and see if there are additional or less holdings/items in incoming record set and based on that it will produce an updated record set to an executing stage where it will update instance, create delete, move holdings items, create delete relations, preceding/succeeding title info When Instance HRID does not exist: Incoming record set will be entirely created; see if holdings/items already exist on another Instance and move them to the new one if necessary Deleting: Mod Inventory update just needs the HRID, will delete from bottom up (items, holdings, instance); for now MOD Inventory does not look outside of Inventory storage (like orders or circulation) Felix outlined proposals on which dependencies should be checked when deleting records in FOLIO
Wishlist for dependency check: Dependency checks on modules outside of Inventory are necessary -Resource management (acquisition) check if Instance, Holdings, Item is linked to POL in Orders app (if so, record should not be deleted) -Resource access (circulation) check if item has open/closed loans before deletion, or; an item might have fee/fine associated with it, or; item might have a request associated with it (patron request or hold) you could easily resolve dependencies between item and loans or fees/fines because you can anonymize these after a determined amount of time ZBW is considering only linking POL to Instance (not holdings, items) When deleting in CBS, there should be a dependency check on all dependencies mentioned above (see potential workflow in presentation) Questions: How would this interact with Elastic Search? Record will be gone from Inventory storage but perhaps still lives in the indexes (this will have to be looked into)
Bib description, holding item maintenance all happens in there any editing that actually gets done in Inventory? They manually set the items status once the record has been posted to Inventory but nothing else gets edited manually When will the Mod-Inventory update be implemented? ZBW is already using it So, how are the dependency wishlist issues currently being addressed? They are only using ERM at the moment so there are currently no circulation or acquisition dependencies to worry about...but once the Union catalog and Inventory has a stable connection acq and circ will also be implemented Do we know when the work will start to support the wishlist dependencies? FOLIO and MOD Inventory work have to be aligned Deletion of bibs is high on everyone's list of requirements Felix provided a quick Dashboard demo Dashboard is a core FOLIO app; a canvas where you can create widgets Depending on which Widget definition you choose will determine the data elements that appear on the widget; could be useful if we have some definitions for Inventory (for example, in ZBW's case it could be useful to find records that had dependencies issues) There is a wiki page dedicated to listing Dashboard widget ideas: Dashboard Use Cases