Notetaker? | | Felix |
PC update | | Minutes Primarily focused on continued discussion of strategic initiatives. |
Other updates/announcements | |
MARC updates (Holdings & Authorities) | | - Link to Khalilah's slides:
Widget Connector |
url | |
- FOLIO Cataloging Capabilities ppt
- MARC authority app mockups ppt
- Integrates with QuickMARC
- Kiwi Release - MARC Holdings capabilities
- Create via Data Import in Kiwi. With Lotus the MARC holdings record can be created directly from Inventory.
- Edit in QuickMARC
- View in Inventory, and locked if source == MARC
- Relationship between FOLIO and MARC holdings are established
- Field 001 and 004 are configurable with respect to the data from the Inventory HRID. Field value in the Holdings record > 004 is the HRID of the linked instance record
- If holdings get moved to another instance record, the value in 004 is updated
- Questions:
- Will there be holdings properties we still can maintain in Inventory holdings (when there is an underlying MARC holdings); e.g. statistical codes, and suppress from discovery? → Yes, like with the Instance record.
- Is the 999 ff $s the uuid for the MARC SRS bib or the MARC SRS holding? → It is the Holdings UUID.
- Will the access to MARC holdings related actions be governed by permissions? So libraries who do not use MARC holdings, will not see any action buttons, or other options - while this is not needed if they only use Inventory holdings (with no underlying MARC holdings) → Yes, the known permissions (view, edit, delete)
- What is the planned connection between MARC authorities and Instance records? → Needs to be discussed, not in Scope for Lotus.
- is there a list somewhere of which apps will use elastic search? → So far only Inventory and Authority Search. The RM group has done some UX mockups but has not decided yet to implement as far as MM knows
- What about Modules that pop up that interact with Inventory? → Needs discussion, postponed
Deleting Instance records at MTSU | wtf | - Slides: <Link to be added>
- A delete tag is added to instances that should be deleted by the catalogers
- They use Bash scripts that are automated via a Cron job on a Linux server
- Step 1: Retrieve instance records by tag, retrieve attached holdings_ids, retrieve attached item_ids
- Step 2: Delete items, then holdings, then instances
- SRS records can't be deleted. After a delete request the status changes from
ACTUAL to DELETED - Note Ann-Marie: "I'll check with the SRS devs about the API documentation"
- Is there a check in place that validates something like an item status == "checked out"?
- Instance record is set to "suppressed" and then tagged
- Just a few instances have items associated that could be potentially be checked out
- Another issue could be if the instance record is linked from a POL in the Orders app
- Comment from Jessica: "There is definitely a use case for wanting to keep an order/pol but delete the instance. Like if you withdraw something and don't want the bib cluttering up the database, but need to keep the order for accounting purposes."
- uChicago has a similar workflow with Kuali OLE: They add a tag in a 9XX field ("delete"), and then run a report that checks on dependencies before the record is deleted in the database
- Q from Sara: "Do we know if we delete and Item that was created by a Piece, will ONLY the item be deleted and NOT the Piece as well?" → A-M: "Hi Sara - I think it's worth testing. I don't think deleting the item will delete the piece. But the opposite may happen - orders does some cleanup in Inventory when orders/pieces are deleted"
- From Jessica: "being able to report out (ie identify) the dependencies is really 90% of the battle"
- From Laura: "agreed, Jessica -- and controlling how the tagging to be deleted happens accordingly. we are using a statistical code to mark records that potentially should be deleted, but not all have been vetted for potential dependencies."
- Feature in Jira: UXPROD-1624 Deletion. Implement action menu in top navigation bar. Enable the user to delete a metadata record (Instance) - is P2. New approach: Set as Folio wide theme. Is also a topic in the App Interaction SIG.
- Instead of hard delete in the database just hide records? There is a permission "staff suppressed" that matches the checkbox in the records.
- Q from Lisa F: "So what if I made a mistake, (or we found the book that was lost for 20 years.): can I put them back or do I reimport? Just curious..."
Future topic idea: Present on batch updates with Shell scripts. This could be a topic for the API lab |
Deleting Instance records at GBV | Felix Hemme | Postponed to the meeting 11/11/2021 |