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PC update


SIG convener updates were part of the meeting.

Product Council decided that a small group will work on the agenda setting process for the Product Council. Laura is checking with other conveners as to how they set agendas in other SIGs

Other updates/announcements

Optimistic locking – feedback soughtKhalilah Gambrell

Optimistic Locking - Detecting and Resolving Conflicts Requirements

Informing the user that there is a conflict and how to resolve it. Kahlilah presented the group with some scenarios:

Scenario - User is not aware that someone else or the system is editing the same record until try to close it. When the user hits Saved/Close, this message could appear:
Option 1: You cannot override what was most recently saved with your update. View latest version would allow you to view the latest version of the record. This would take user to Inventory 

Option 2: Two options, close or continue to save. "Override" includes if an item is getting checked out. 

Asking PO's to review and consider.

Jennifer Eustis: "Are there distinctions made between single record update and other data imports?"  Ann-Marie - "No" 

Marmot Office: "How about another option for save as a new record?"

Felix: "Option 2 seems dangerous because the other person does not get any information that their edits are now gone." - Charlotte said, almost all POs were leaning towards Option 

Jennifer Eustis: "What about changes through the API?" - Also commented that there are various possibilities of conflicts. 

Rita Albrecht: "The ideal solution would be that the changes of both editing processes would be merged together. Some Systems are able to act like this but because we are discussing I guess FOLIO does not provide such an Option?"

Marmot Office: "I want to be able to save my changes in another record.  Then I can look at the two records and figure out which to use, or merge them manually."

Jennifer and Ann-Marie thought record transfer should be considered as another action that would or should touch optimistic locking scenarios. Scenarios are in link above. 

Feedback needed:

Ann-Marie: "I think it's important to keep in mind that Kiwi is mainly surfacing the processes that are currently happening, and have not been identified in the UI previously. Once we can be aware of what's happening, then we can refine it."

Laura:  Will Option 1 break anything, or is there a compelling reason for Option 2?

Ann-Marie - "For Kiwi - I think it would be really good if any implemented libraries track when they see these messages, to get a better feel for when and how often it's happening."

Jessica noted that if someone is checking out a book in circ and the record is open for editing in cataloging, the checkout will go through. The cataloger then will get an error message when the cataloger tries to save the record. 

Option 1 could be viewed as the first step that can lead to more feedback.

Group settled on Option 1

Data Import enhancementAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)

Not a lot of new UI work in next release. Most of the work is "behind the scenes" in Kiwi. One UI change is changes in the summary log screen. Previously, clicking on a row would lead to a new tab with JSON versions of the records. This will still be available and errors will show. Change - the status will link directly to Instance, Holdings, or Item record in the Inventory. This opens in the same window, so back button will need to be used. 

In progress: Link to Invoice line.

Review updates of the Instance Action menu

Charlotte Whittand others

New UX proposal - using two new subsections dividing actions for Inventory and quickMARC

On slack we had a conversation yesterday, and today (# quickmarc) - and some comments and suggested changes was raised.

Felix: "Could the headings be derived by instance source?"

The MM-SIG liked following tweaks and updates:

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Default export mapping review, continuedMagda Zacharska
  1. Default mapping profile - default MARC Bib mappings:
    • Instance relationship – child instance
    • Instance relationship – parent instance  - it has been decided that the instance relationship should not be a part of the default mappings for MARC Bib records
  2. Administrative data and SRS (possibly UXPROD-3254 or combination of UXPROD-2679, UXPROD-2225, UXPROD-977)
    • The administrative data includes (as presented in the Administrative data accordion):
      • Suppress from discovery
      • Staff suppress
      • Previously held
      • HRID
      • Source
      • Cataloged date
      • Instance status term
      • Mode of issuance
      • Anything else? (metadata, _version, UUIDs fields were mentioned as important)
    • What format should the data be exported: csv, json, MARC?
    • If not MARC, then do we need to use SRS instead of inventory records? 

      Notes: Version record number may be useful for roundtripping data. 
      Rita (via chat) - "The creation of certain lists could also be helpful for German libraries without MARC in SRS"

      Conclusion: Export in delimited format can be done based on Inventory Instance record, not SRS. Request to add tags, statistical code, Instance status. Magda - All fields from Instance will then be possible.  Magda will scope and come back with an overview later. This simplifies the task, however. UUID can be exported in delimited format (answer to question asked).

  3. Custom mapping profile – populating the transformation form dynamically (UXPROD-3253)

  4. UXPROD-1396 Generating MFHD on the fly
    • It will require adding option for saving Holdings UUIDs on the Inventory Holdings tab – similarly to Saving Instance UUIDs on the Inventory Instance tab
    • Do we need to preserve Saving Instance UUIDs on all tabs?
    • Current default mappings as defined in: includes:
      • holdings HRID: mapped to 001
      • associated instance HRID: mapped to 004
      • associated instance UUID: mapped to 014 1 $a
      • associated instance OCLC control number mapped to 035 $a
      • permanent location mapped: to 852 $b
      • holding statement and notes: mapped to866 $a $z
      • holding statement for supplements and notes: mapped to 867 $a $z
      • holding statement for indexes and notes: mapped to 868 $a $z
      • holdings UUID: mapped to 999 ff $i
    • Should the default mappings for MFHD be revisited? Yes
    • Do we need a default mapping profile for holdings ( like we have the default mapping profile for instances)?  Yes
  5. UXPROD-142 Exporting MFHD from SRS
    • This will be possible once the SRS work is complete


Distinction between Custom mapping profiles and Default mapping to help group assess the spreadsheets accurately. The two processes are very distinct from each other:

  • mapping-preferences - spreadsheet that defines custom mapping profiles in data export. - These come into play when the user defines custom profiles in Settings/Data Export. A custom mapping. The fields seen when the user clicks on "Transform" is driven by the Custom mapping spreadsheet.

  • recommended mapping - spreadsheet covers the properties that are part of the default mapping profile. Common use case for default mapping profile: Select records in Inventory > Actions - export Instances (MARC). The MARC record appears in the Data Export app directly from that action. The resulting default record has a 999 field with UUIDs from Source Storage, another from Inventory Storage
