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PC update

Other updates/announcements

BugFest is live. Please do jump-in. Ann-Marie asked for more testers around data import template issues; BugFest channel has request.

MARC records that exceed maximum length – desired export behavior?Magda Zacharska
  • PPT in meeting recording
  • Some instances have thousands of items; when exporting in custom profile that includes bib, holdings and items, exceeds 99,999 character limit - in which case export fails
    • Workaround: identify record, exclude record and then export that bib separately
  • Options
    1. Ignore MARC record limit
      1. Pro: all data exported
      2. Con - makes generating MARC record unusable / difficult to use
    2. Truncate data; with or without logging the error
      1. Pro: error in processing of one record does not affect whole export; easiest to implement
      2. Con: no control over which items are exported
      3. Implementation options: export only MARC bib (no holdings & items); log holdings and items removed to allow for separate export with different profile
    3. Export invalid data to a separate file
      1. Pro: clear separation of the records; all data are exported
      2. Con: difficult to implement; requires architectural changes to current implementation to support two files associated with one export
  • Use Case for exporting item data with the bib & holdings in .mrc: export for discovery layer;
  • Handling in existing systems:
    • Chicago: have split serial records into many to limit the number of items/bib
    • Holy Cross: have bib records that exceed the limit themselves (mainly due to content notes)
    • 5C: items are not extracted... happens via look-up
  • Can system ignore AND log those records them? Yes – but then cannot export those... unless they have a separate mapping profile with simplified exported record
  • Log file needed regardless!!!
  • Approach: if record exceeds limit, will not be included in export but a log will be created indicated excluded records
    • Option 3 is long-term desired solution (as per a few voices)
Inventory Search Improvements (ElasticSearch) updatesMagda Zacharska
  • Main scope: review UXPROD-2712 and prioritize remains work
  • Wiki pages under MM-SIG's working groups
  • 30 use cases identified, reviewed and prioritized
  • Remaining to do:
    • call number search
    • exact phrase match: contributors, titles, other full-text fields that are analyzed and pre-processed
    • count of matching records; count instances when counting holdings or items may be more appropriate (see later "Inventory Results List Updates" agenda item)
  • Supported Search Types:
  • Question(s):
    • Will these enhancements be available in PO search as well? No, only inventory but worth considering for the instance look-up, which is a separate piece of software / plug-in (UIPFI project). Issues at-hand: UI and data source (Inventory storage)
    • Searching across all properties? Discussed during last meeting to allow for searching all already-indexed properties (this does not include all properties); there are some fields deemed unnecessary for search... and if we build search for all edge cases, may lose sight of 99% of searches. All are welcome to join subgroup meetings to engage in discussion; reach out to Magda if you'd like to attend.
Bound-with back-end work updates

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serverSystem Jira

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serverSystem Jira

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serverSystem Jira


Not discussed - hold for next meeting

Inventory Results List Updates

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Working group - documents on the FOLIO wiki


  • MM/RA/RM working group on UXPROD-491 : going to Filip's original design from 2017
  • Mockups for hierarchical display in the above linked slidedeck
  • Considering how to get away from results that always defaults to Instances; also allows for more data points (e.g.: resource type, format, HRID)
  • Skipping second-pane step and allows to get to item record (i.e.: not having to open Instance... click on holdings and click on item). Outstanding question around whether want this to be full-screen as default? I.e.: do we want the context in the search-and-filter pane? Also : efficient if search and have one result – should open the one result without additional clicking
  • "Sort by" features - various fields, which persists until changed
  • Color change (darker) for identifying levels of hierarchy user is in – alongside easy navigation among levels
  • Can click-to-expand Instance and Holdings in full-screen
  • Question(s)/Comment(s):
    • If multiple holdings on an Instance, would show only the holdings being searched? or all? Only those being searched... but need ElasticSearch for that precision
    • What is timeframe for implementation? Was among top-20 features listed by libraries; talking next week with UI devs to have their say early in process to evaluate complication of integrating level navigator and result list.
    • Would demand changes in ElasticSearch – would need more data in instance indexing, as one example. Magda will run mockups by ElasticSearch back-end devs for feedback
    • For later: we have different UI handling for Instance versus holdings and items; when we get ready to shift to this view, will need to consider how tag info needs to be moved around for full screen instance. Invite Ann-Marie when this is discussed by WG
    • Cross-functional working group is a good model for future work

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