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Product Council Update

Announcement: Lehigh is live. Integration with VuFind is working pretty well. There are some bugs and issues, but the staff is dealing with those well. National Library of Florence is also live. 


Main topic: Task group formed to focus on PC vision and strategy approach. Mike Gorrell covered the scope and timeline. Goal is to align what is being done at the epic / feature level with broader goals. Made up of about 15 individuals. Will meet three times. Laure Wright and Christie Thomas are on the group. (Also Dracine?) Will develop a framework for thinking about vision and strategy. There will be a chance for the community to provide feedback. 

Cate Boerma provided an update on Goldenrod hot fix statuses. PO and release managers are meeting today to review outstanding issues. Capacity Planning team needs to address how this work will impact planned work for Honeysuckle. 

Feature ranking in FOLIO: needing to change the system. Terms used for ranking (Go Live, one quarter after Go Live) needs to be changed to reflect the realities for those institutions that are in production. Suggested model will go to the implementers group for feedback. Potential solution: P1 - P5 ranking like that used for bugs. 

Next WOLFcon: In person 2021 cancelled. Hamburg still intends to host in 2022. Will be a virtual event in 2021. 

PC Minutes:

Subgroup & other updates/announcements?
  • Remote Storage Working Group - Requests members of MM and RA for membership if your institution has an interest in remote storage. That group is ongoing. They would like two people per institution. Not every institution has full representation. Wiki page: Remote storage integration subgroup
Printer friendly version of Inventory (topic for future discussion)

Assuming this is actually a FOLIO-wide issue?

Will be discussed in detail at a future meeting (when Charlotte is present). Please add use cases here. 

  • Use cases do not need to be Inventory specific. 
  • Example from Jessica via chat: Printing order records

Statistics tracking continued from last week

Some examples and discussion (slides)

  • MARC vs. Instance and loss of granularity. MARC notes provide a lot of space and options for statistics. Can the Instance record be relied on for adequate statistics. 
  • Christie- would it be useful to gather use cases? What is it we need to know? Ideal - no additional steps by users to capture statistics. Can we gather them all from FOLIO?

    We need a comprehensive set of use cases and what can we expect to get out of the system

  • Jessica (via chat) - "I think we have a lot of options (almost too many options) with things like statistical search codes, instance status, etc" And we don't know yet how robust FOLIO's own change history tracking will be. Whatever a report produces, I can use i think, unless we need it for differences between eresources and physical item stats. I am only using MARC because it's the structure we have - I am not wedded to using marc in the future"
  • Felicia: Can FOLIO derive statistics from both MARC and the Instance. Compile from both? Jacquie commented that Duke also uses MARC and non-MARC fields. Felicia: Reports for NACO, SACO, ACRL are all of concern. Suggested a FOLIO way wide of getting statistics.
  • Is the use of MARC something that can be supplemented by a FOLIO record alone? Are we using MARC as a workaround.
  • Use of macros to avoid errors. 
  • Is there an AEON integration? Jessica - at Duke AEON is integrated with their remote storage system, Caiasoft
  • Christie (via chat) - "If we had a workflow engine that would provide some of the macro functionality. Do we know if there is the possibility of any movement on the workflow engine?" Laura added that a Change Tracker App would be helpful as well.
  • Christie - Do we need two charges?
    1. What are we going to do because FOLIO does not provide?
    2. What does need FOLIO need to provide to make this a full product?
  • Do we need a working group? Should include all tech services, cross app, app interaction
  • Reporting? Relationship? 
  • What data is there for the harvesting, and what needs to be added by someone?
  • Laura - spaces in Instance record for stats? Tags? Instance status can only be used once.
  • Statistical codes? - Laura felt there would be way too many that would not provide what needed. They are using statistical codes for other things. 
  • Jennifer Eustis (via chat): "It would be nice to see the history of what happened. I'd be interested in almost having versioned records where you can see what changed, by who, when, and then even revert … if you want"
  • Llyod (via chat) - "Also Data Import. I would want to know when a record was imported or overlaid which what profile settings."
  • Jessica (via chat) - "wouldn't there be a date associated with a tag? "
Future MM meetings (ongoing)

Add ideas here
