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Product Council UpdateFormer user (Deleted)

Subgroup & other updates?

Data import: any libraries planning on storing MARC holdings in FOLIO; we need to finalize the MARC holdings-to-Inventory holdings default map in the next couple of weeks. Please let Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) know if you are interested in discussing. Will be 2 meetings max.

Cross-app searching use cases: search and results expectations?Laura E Daniels

Homework for next week: see use cases for pre-order searching

Are there additional use cases for cross-app searching?

What fields would you expect to be able to search on?

How would you expect results to display? (What/how much information?)

Data Import
  • Functionality available in Fameflower (today's demo)
    • Match based on incoming MARC and any field in Instance, Holding or Item
    • Create (only create, no update) MARC Bibs, Instances, Holdings, Items
    • Field mappings for Instances, Holdings, and Items, but some limitations (e.g. UUIDs)
    • Assembling matching, action, and field mapping profiles into job profiles
  • Functionality available in Goldenrod (coming)
    • Create and Update for MARC Bibs, Instances, Holdings, Items
    • Better field mappings for Instances, Holdings, and Items
    • MARC-MARC matching based on 001 (HRID), 999 ff (UUIDs)
    • MARC modifications for incoming files
  • Key features still to be developed
    • MARC-MARC matching on fields besides 001 and 999 ff
    • MARC field protection during updates
    • Storage of MARC Holdings and MARC Authorities
    • MARC Holdings-Inventory Holdings default mapping
    • Importing Order and Invoice data via MARC Bibs
    • Updated import job logs and error/exception handling
    • Job preview functionality
    • EDIFACT invoice import
    • SRS-MARCcat Integration
Feature review (ongoing)



Action: How can we effectively address features and prioritization? How can we look collectively at what has not yet been developed and what is most important?

Future MM meetings (ongoing)

Add ideas here
