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Subgroup members: please add any relevant use cases. If a use case is already represented, add any additional details (your name, record source, other notes) to the existing case instead of creating a new case. 

Use case (brief)Use case descriptionRecord sourceFOLIO components affectedFunctional Area(s)Submitted byNotes
Loading pre-order recordsUser prepares bib and pre-order data in vendor system; load to FOLIO to create bib & order, then finalize order and send from FOLIO to vendorGOBIMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, OrderAcquisitionsMay match to an existing bib record or create a new bib record
Loading order recordsUser orders in vendor system, then loads to FOLIO to create bib and orderGOBIMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, OrderAcquisitionsMay match to an existing bib record or create a new bib record
Loading shelfready cataloging recordsUser receives shelfready services from vendor; loads to FOLIO to overlay any previous bib record, update holding with final location/call number/other info, update item record with barcode/piece/other infoGOBI, OCLCMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, ItemCataloging 
Loading approval cataloging recordsUser receives records for incoming approval plan purchases (P or E); loads to FOLIO to create bib, holdings, item, order; followed by separate EDIFACT invoice load

GOBI, OCLC, Casalini, Amalivre, Harrassowitz, Iberamericana,

E. Iturriaga, Retta Libros, MIPP, Lexicon, Leila

MARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, Order



May match to an existing bib record or create a new bib record; may have full shelfready data or may require manual updating by library staff to finalize everything

Duke has an Arabic script load in this use case. Also, we currently do not run EDIFACT loads with these plans; order and invoice data appear in the 9xx fields.

Loading eresource catalog records from a knowledgebase MARC record service

User receives files of new, update and delete records to manage discovery of electronic resources. Loads to FOLIO to create, update or delete bib records.ExLibris, EBSCO, OCLC, Proquest, Oxford Project MUSE, Swank, Kanopy, Cambridge

MARCcat, Instance,



 Each file is split between monographs and serials to streamline processing and troubleshooting. Currently matches on vendor-supplied system number. Match file is further subdivided by the ILS between records with temporary vendor system numbers and stable vendor system numbers. (More details available)

Lisa McColl - We use provider neutral records. If we receive two "copies" of ebooks that are from two different platforms, we currently need the system to match on OCLC number (although I realize other institutions that have provider neutral records choose other match points such as ISBN), then either 1) add the new ebook to the existing record if there is one, both updating the bib with an added 856 field and adding an holdings to that existing bib or 2) create a new instance/holding for this new ebook.

Loading outsourced cataloging recordsUser receives a file from a vendor of fully-cataloged non-Latin script records to overlay brief bib records, and update holding records.Wuheba, Backstage, DK Agencies, PanmunMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, ItemCatalogingWhen initial file is sent to the vendor it includes item barcode information for each title. The completed vendor cataloging file then uses the barcode recorded in a MARC field as the match point. Holding records are either created or updated with final call number, which also update the item record.
(re)Loading bibliographic records that have been exported from the system, and edited.User may need to perform a batch cleanup on a set of bibliographic records for many reasons. Examples could be adding a consistent note to a set of identified records so the records display in a certain way in the discovery layer or making a set of records RDA compliant.FOLIOMARCcat, InstanceCataloging(In scope?) - Sometimes it is necessary to update the bibliographic portion of the records only, without touching the holdings and items attached to them. This could be seen also as a "Global Edit" issue, in addition to an import issue or even instead of. That depends on the scope of this loader. Match points would probably best be the FOLIO ids in this case.
(re)Loading bibliographic and holdings records that have been editedUser receives a notice that the URLs for a particular set of eresources have changed. Those eresource need to be identified, exported, then reimported with the correct URL that is placed in the bibliographic record but also on the holding record (presumably not the item record, but I'm not sure)FOLIOMARCcat, Instance, holdingCataloging(In scope?) - Unlike the above scenario, in this one, multiple parts of a record will need updating. Match points would probably best be the FOLIO ids in this case. Again, whether or not this is in scope depends on the ability of MarcCat to perform a global edit and send the changes to the Inventory app, without needing to export at all.
Loading approval cataloging recordsUser receives a file of cataloging records with order and invoice data in 9xx fields. Import process creates instance, holdings, items, order, and invoice.

Bach, Books from Mexico, Eastview, Erasmus, Iberoamericana, Karno, Retta, Weinberg, Worldwide,

Amalivre, Casalini, Harrassowitz

MARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, Order, Invoice



(In scope?) - Unlike the approval scenario that describes the ingest of an EDIFACT invoice after processing the MARC order; these are approval records for which we only receive invoice data in MARC 9xx fields. We do use the same process for other vendors as well, but I have excluded vendors from the list if we are able to receive EDIFACT invoices. Our current process is actually two processes; the invoice import process immediately follows the order import process. It would be preferable if a single process could create the order and the invoice.
Loading firm cataloging records with invoiceUser receives a file of fully cataloged records with non-Latin script and with invoice data in 9xx fields. Import process updates instance, holdings, item, and invoice.CIBTC, LeilaMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, Invoice



(In scope?) This is similar to the "Loading outsourced cataloging records" scenario with the addition of invoice data in the 9xx field.
Loading catalog records with no ordersUser receives a file of records and loads to FOLIO to create bibs, holdings, and itemsLC-Cairo (PL-480) plan, MARCIVEMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, ItemsCatalogingThese types of loads do not need order or invoice generation.
Loading catalog records with no ordersUser receives a file of records and load to FOLIO to create bibsCRLMARCcat, Instance?CatalogingThese types of load do not need order or invoice generation.
Single record import/overlayUser in cataloging department needs to overlay a brief record that may have come in via acquisitions with a fully fleshed out record.OCLCMarcCat, Instance, Holdings, ItemCataloging

(In scope?) While this defies the word "batch" I wanted to put something here, even if it's a placeholder, to make the ability to import a single record does not get overlooked. Currently in OLE our single record import is so clunky that everyone uses the "batch import" even for single records, because it is easier to use than the "single bib import" feature in OLE. In our system, previous to OLE, users had the ability to overlay a record that was open in the ILS without having to force a match point. The overlay was made just by virtue of the fact the record they wanted to overlay was open. This feature has been sorely missed by staff members. Without out it this once simple process has become exponentially complicated to staff members.

Loading items to a single holding recordUser takes a spreadsheet of item information and loads to a single holding record in FOLIO to batch create itemsspreadsheetMARCcat, Instance, Holding, itemsCatalogingUsed for special collections projects and large holdings management projects.
Performing batch authority control updates to catalog recordsExtracts from the catalog are sent to an authority control vendor. Vendor returns a file of updated bib records; user loads into FOLIO to overlay existing bib records



MARCcat, Instance?CatalogingExtracts and returned update files can run weekly or quarterly, or both.
Loading authority recordsAuthority control vendor provides new, changed, (and deleted?) authority records, based on catalog data sent by the library. Library loads the authority records to FOLIO to inform the authorized headings and cross-references



MARCcat, Inventory?


Do we know how much or how little Inventory and Codex will be paying attention to authorized headings and cross references?

DDA Discovery RecordsVendor provides DDA Discovery records. Import creates a new instance with a local electronic holdings record.GOBIMARCcat, Electronic Holdings (Local - Inventory)CatalogingThe instance receives an Instance Status of DDA Discovery to differentiate the record from that of an instance with owned items.
DDA PurchaseVendor provides a MARC file with order and invoice data in 9xx fields. Import replaces DDA Discovery record and updates local electronic holdings record.GOBIMARCcat, Electronic Holdings (Local - Inventory), order, invoiceAcquisitionsThe Instance Status is changed from DDA Discovery.
Orders from spreadsheetsBibliographer provides bibliographic and order data in spreadsheet. Import creates a new instance, holdings, item, and order.local spreadsheetMARCcat, Instance, Holdings, Item, OrderAcquisitionsBibliographer enters data for orders into a spreadsheet or uses spreadsheet provided by vendor. Staff uses MarcEdit to convert the spreadsheet to a brief MARC record with order data in the 9xx fields. Some vendors for which we create orders in this manner include: Andromeda Research, Zahraei, Sulaiman, Nazeer, MG Noura, Libra, Lexicon, Kozmenko, Panmun, Iran Farhang