Tiziana will begin discussing how the WeCat functions map to the FOLIO requirements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UpuyYY89OjCf38o6l2cYQItRCaWYBEQOJcJMzVbJJ1Y/edit?ts=5a6f0b52#gid=0
Workflow: (screenshot from Tiziana)
Image Modified
- Charlotte - The Codex search is comparable to the Dublin Core. The data from the cataloging model will be from MARC.
- Flow of information: Cataloging goes to Inventory which goes to Codex
- Charlotte - MARC record will be loaded into Inventory and then is transformed. Cataloging will have separate storage of data.
- Entity level search vs. search in local level (the local database produced by cataloging module itself).
- Discussion about what will be searched, for what purpose and where? Will the @Cult product have search capabilities? The timing is important. Tiziana asked for a document with use cases related to how a cataloger will use WeCat inventory app. They need use cases - what is the first step? What can be found in Codex in that is not in local database and vice versa. They could use more information. What are the specific steps that each cataloger
- Clarification of what information is living where?