LEFT JOIN folio_oa.monetary_value ON monetary_value.id = charge.ch_amount_fk
LEFT JOIN folio_oa.exchange_rate ON exchange_rate.id = charge.ch_exchange_rate_fk
LEFT JOIN folio_oa.refdata_value AS discount_type ON discount_type.rdv_id = charge.ch_discount_type_fk
LEFT JOIN folio_oa.refdata_value AS category ON category.rdv_id = charge.ch_category_fk
LEFT JOIN folio_oa.refdata_value AS charge_status ON charge_status.rdv_id = charge.ch_charge_status_fk
Explanation to special relations between tables
Relation "folio_oa.charge" to "folio_oa.payer"
The link between the tables "charge" and "payer" has to be an left join. There is no direct connection in the ER diagram, but you can use the FK "cpy_owner_fk" in the table "payer" to link to table "charge" with the attribute "ch_id".
LEFT JOIN folio_oa.payer ON payer.cpy_owner_fk = charge.ch_id