Higher level work is defined in epics and features in a JIRA project called UXPROD.
Updated 10/24/2021 Epics are sub-projects in FOLIO. An epic should represent development that may take up to three releases (~about 12 months of development). Definition of Done: Basic functionality is in place and working in production. Advanced functionality should be managed with another epic. It should be a way to describe a workflow/functionality/product at a high level and then user stories and/or features that represent a breakdown of the epic. Agile Alliance definition of an epic (https://www.agilealliance.org/glossary/epic/). The epic kanban board can be found here.
UXPROD Features
Updated 10/24/2021 POs decompose epics into features based on their conversations with the SIGs and development teams. The idea is to capture larger work increments with as much unstructured description as is available. A well-scoped feature is something that is relatively self-contained so it can be prioritized independently. It should also be something that is “whole” enough to provide value on its own. So, “Manual License CRUD” might be a good feature while “View License Record” or “Validate License Data” would be stories. All stories should be linked to features to track progress. Each feature should be linked to one epic.
- Detailed: https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-271
- Some detail: https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-145
- Feature estimates:
- When features are created, you should ask for them to be estimated (front-end estimate and back-end estimate)
- This will allow us to stay on top of our project plans and help SMEs make informed tradeoffs regarding what should be prioritized
- If development team agrees to work on a feature for a release then assign fields: Development team and Fixed version/s
- Every release, each team should have a
- Technical debt feature > A feature that allocates dev time to unexpected/expected work such as defects, code improvements, etc. [Apply a label NFR ]
- Question: Managing a feature dependency - Should a team create separate UXPROD feature for another team to complete their portion of work necessary in scope of initially created feature? [Yes -this feature(s) should be agreed upon by teams. Teams should review estimates and discuss expected release dates for features delivery.]
Updated 10/24/2021 UXPROD Epic and Feature Workflow/Status and key fields Anchor UXPRODWorkflow UXPRODWorkflow
UXPRODWorkflow | |
UXPRODWorkflow |
Splitting UXPROD Features
Updated 10/24/2021 A UXPROD feature may need to be split (e.g. when it is too large to fit into a release, it is not fully completed in time for the release, there are dependencies and blockers on some aspect of the feature, and/or feature estimates are very large and cannot be completed for the assigned releases). Instructions for splitting features:
Story and Bug Workflow/Status and key fieldsfields