Versions Compared


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  1. An announcement will be made on the FOLIO Implementation Group Slack channel when the two-week pointing process is planned.
  2. An announcement will be made on the FOLIO Implementation Group Slack channel when the two-week pointing process has started.
  3. A link to the “ballot” will be provided.  The “ballot” will consist of a spreadsheet listing all features that have at least one R1 or R2 rank from an institution.  If a feature you want to point is missing from the spreadsheet, please add it to the end.
  4. Provide Each institution will provide the name of one to two people who will be entering the points for your institution the institution here (everyone else will only have view rights to the "ballot").
  5. In the appropriate column of the “ballot”, the person your institution has designated as an “updater” will enter a value from 1 to 20 points for the features your institution deems most critical.  The more points your institution applies to a single feature the more likely the feature is going to be completed soon.  (The maximum points an institution is allowed to enter for one feature is 20.)
  6. A reminder will be sent after the first week of the process so that institutions know the deadline is approaching in one week.
  7. At the end of the two-week pointing process, update access to the “ballot” will be turned off. 
  8. The results of the pointing process will be documented on the appropriate wiki page (which is Planning Features for Kiwi Release for the first round).
  9. A retrospective of the process and results will be conducted at the next FOLIO Implementation Group meeting.
  10. When the release is being planned, the wiki page mentioned above will reflect which features are being planned for each team, which features have to wait and why, etc. 
