- Switch to the Receiving app and look up the order line created above.
- The receiving record should show an alert that the title has routing, and the routing lists accordion should be expanded.
- Within the routing lists accordion, click on the hyperlinked routing lists name. A screen should open showing routing list details.
- Under the Actions menu, click "Edit" and make any desired changes. If desired, you can also delete the routing list.
- Experiment with rearranging the order of users within the routing list by dragging and dropping.
- If you deleted the routing list, on the receiving record screen, click Actions → Add routing list and create a new routing list.
- Within the routing lists accordion, click Actions → Print all routing lists. A print preview screen should appear, showing each routing list on a separate page (if the title has more than one associated routing list.)
Testing limited Permissions (Optional)
- Login to the test environment with the following credentials:
- receiving/test
- Navigate to the receiving app and look up an order line created in the above tests
- Within the routing lists accordion, verify that the routing list(s) can be printed, as described above
- As described above, click on the hyperlinked routing lists name. Verify that the routing list is NOT editable.