- Create a purchase order and associated purchase order line -OR- identify an existing purchase order line.
- Be sure that the material type is "Physical" or "P/E mix." (Routing is disabled for non-physical materials.)
- In Purchase order line detail view mode, scroll down to the Routing lists accordion and expand it:
- Click "Add routing list." A full-screen editor will appear.
- Give the routing list a unique name and fill in any other desired information
- Note that the "Notes" section can be used to communicate general instructions such as "Return to technical services when complete", if desired.
- Add users
- Note that users are NOT required, and that a routing list can be generated simply from the name and/or notes.
- Experiment with rearranging user order via drag-and-drop
- When finished, click "Save"
- Note that one routing list can be created for each physical piece associated with the POL.