Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info |
2min | AdministriviaJana Freytag | Sharon Wiles-Young |
Documentation WG updates | Status or any updates or questions on documentation? | |||
Loan Policy questions | Question from Brooks: When a loan is renewed, the loan policy applied to the loan is updated if the circulation rule that applies to the item and patron combination changes and uses a different loan policy. However, the overdue fine and lost item fee policies do not. Is this actually the desired behavior? I would argue for no, the policies on the loan should ALL reflect the most recent circulation rule applied. Question from Molly on loan policies configuration did that get answered? |
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to supporting materials | Comments |
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |