Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals | ||||||
5min | Housekeeping | Andrea Loigman |
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15min | MVP | Holly Mistlebauer | MVP slippage | Describe how and what MVP issues are slipping. Capacity planning team will be re-planning Q1 so the project can complete some of the features slipped-sprint completion has been the same even with reduction in development team work Implementation team should look at JIRA for completion for Q4 and what will be ready and what is not completed and if not complete you will not be able to test in January–and then think about priorities of these features with capacity team Vega team is working on item blocks - loan limit policy where you can set the limit in the circulation policy and this will take much development time–so instead put the item limit directly in the loan policy? One problem will cause more circulation rules and redo circulation policies once developed Will this work for implementers? Would this permanently work for institutions? This solution sounds like it will work for most of the institutions–check with Five Colleges, University of Alabama, TAMU | ||||||
15min | Item limits | Holly Mistlebauer | Discuss placement of item limits setting | MVP decision for placement of item limits settings. | ||||||
20min | Caiasoft update | Cate Boerema (Deactivated) | Update SIG on plans and status for Caiasoft (remote storage) integration |