What should I do before I start working on a Story/Bug- Make sure the requirements and acceptance criteria are clearly expressed and there are no unanswered questions
- Make sure the estimation in story points is added to a Story/Bug;
- Note: estimate should be added to a Story/Bug itself and should include the effort of related sub-tasks if any. Estimates should not be added to sub-tasks as they won't be added to Velocity.
- Populate Development Team field to indicate the correct team:
- Stacks
- Thunderjet
- Fill out Tester Assignee field:
- Fill out Fix version(s) field:
- Select Unreleased Fix Version from the dropdown
- Contact your SM if you are not sure what to select
- Make sure the work on a Story/Bug is not blocked/dependent and it conform to the Definition of Ready
- Make sure a Story/Bug is added to an active sprint (ACQ Sprint [XX])
- Assign a Story/Bug to you
- Make sure you have enough time to complete an additional Story/Bug by the end of current sprint before adding it to an active sprint
- Move a Story/Bug to In Progress as soon as you start working on it
- Ensure that the Story/Bug has links to an appropriate epic, feature, and to any related stories which might provide additional/helpful context.
- Note: Contact the PO and/or tech lead if you need help choosing an epic/feature
- Note: It may be acceptable to omit epic/feature links on some bugs, but they should be provided when applicable