Changes to MARC fields that done by the system
MARC field | MARC type | Validation rule |
LDR | Bibliographic |
006 | Bibliographic | Unexpected length of the field |
007 | Bibliographic | Unexpected length of the field |
008 | ||
Bibliographic | Unexpected length of the field | |
010 | Bibliographic |
01X - 999 | Bibliographic | Only 2 indicators with one-character values can exist |
245 | Bibliographic | Can only have one 245 field with not empty value |
aaa-zzz | Bibliographic | Alphabetical fields are restricted |
- quickMARC only stores quickMARC record status
- quickMarc has direct interaction only with source-record-manager (SRM)
- quickMARC
- Through SRM, creates a record in SRS via the Derive a new MARC bib record action
- Through SRM creates a record in mod-inventory-storage via the Derive a new MARC bib record action
- Through SRM, updates a record in SRS via Edit in quickMARC action
- Through SRM, updates a record in mod-inventory-storage via Edit in quickMARC action