FameFlower Test Results
- Overview
- Test Runs
- Results
- 1. High level FameFlower results data
- 2. CPU Utilization comparisons
- 3. Memory trends
- 4. Database CPU trends
- 5. Slow queries
- 6. Missing indexes
- Summary
Using the Carrier-io framework for capturing and analyzing performance test results, the following tests for the export instance UUIDs workflows were executed.
The testing was provided with the modules:
- mod-inventory-storage-19.1.2
- mod-inventory-14.1.2
- mod-authtoken-2.4.0
- mod-permissions-5.9.0
- okapi-2.35.2
- folio_inventory-2.0.2
Test Runs
See Attached FameFlower Performance Test Runs.xlsx for details
- FOLIO performs better without being profiled when the tests are running
- Most of failed requests were related to GET_/inventory/instances and GET_/instance-bulk/ids that use mod-inventory-storage service
- GET_/inventory/instances and GET_/instance-bulk/ids have failed responses even for 1 user (30 min test run)
The workflow with more than 100K records become unresponsive even with 1 user
- The workflow with more than 5 users become unresponsive
- Memory Issues:
- mod-inventory-storage has noticeable to significant gains in memory used.
- fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue method of mod-inventory-storage service overuses CPU resources as there are a lot of JSON decoding, this implementation could be reviewed and improved to reduce operations with JSON