FameFlower Test Results
- Overview
- Test Runs
- Results
- 1. High level FameFlower results data
- 2. CPU Utilization comparisons
- 3. Memory trends
- 4. Database CPU trends
- 5. Slow queries
- 6. Missing indexes
- Summary
Using the Carrier-io framework for capturing and analyzing performance test results, the following tests for the export instance UUIDs workflows were executed.
The testing was provided with the modules:
- mod-inventory-storage-19.1.2
- mod-inventory-14.1.2
- mod-authtoken-2.4.0
- mod-permissions-5.9.0
- okapi-2.35.2
- folio_inventory-2.0.2
Test Runs
Slowest queries which took the most of execution time were initiated by the mod-inventory-storage service presented in the following table:
Total time | Average Time,ms | Calls | Query |
32% | 10,796 | 15 | SELECT jsonb,id FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE to_tsvector($1, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$2 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$3,$4) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$5,$6)))) @@ (to_tsquery($7, f_unaccent($8))) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$9)),$10), lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$11)) |
23% | 22, |
250 | 5 | SELECT jsonb,id FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector($1, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$2 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$3,$4) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$5,$6)))) @@ (to_tsquery($7, f_unaccent($8)))) AND (to_tsvector($9, f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$10)) @@ replace((to_tsquery($11, f_unaccent($12)))::text, $13, $14)::tsquery) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$15)),$16), lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$17)) | |
13% | 1,709 | 37 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT jsonb,id FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE to_tsvector($1, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$2 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$3,$4) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$5,$6)))) @@ (to_tsquery($7, f_unaccent($8))) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$9)),$10), lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$11)) LIMIT $12) x |
12% | 1,818 | 34 | WITH headrecords AS ( SELECT jsonb, lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>$1)) AS title FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector($2, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$3 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$4,$5) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$6,$7)))) @@ (to_tsquery($8, f_unaccent($9)))) AND left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>$10)),$11) < ( SELECT left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>$12)),$13) FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')),600) OFFSET $14 LIMIT $15 ) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>$16)),$17) LIMIT $18 OFFSET $19 ), allrecords AS ( SELECT jsonb, lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>$20)) AS title FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector($21, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$22 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$23,$24) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$25,$26)))) @@ (to_tsquery($27, f_unaccent($28)))) AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM headrecords) < $29 ) SELECT jsonb, title, $30 AS count FROM headrecords WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM headrecords) >= $31 UNION (SELECT jsonb, title, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allrecords) AS count FROM allrecords ORDER BY title LIMIT $32 OFFSET $33 ) ORDER BY title |
4% | 2,804 | 7 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT jsonb,id FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector($1, f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>$2 , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$3,$4) , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->$5,$6)))) @@ (to_tsquery($7, f_unaccent($8)))) AND (to_tsvector($9, f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$10)) @@ replace((to_tsquery($11, f_unaccent($12)))::text, $13, $14)::tsquery) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$15)),$16), lower(f_unaccent(instance.jsonb->>$17)) LIMIT $18) x |
3% | 1,865 | 9 | EXPLAIN ANALYZE WITH headrecords AS ( SELECT jsonb, lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')) AS title FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>'title' , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->'contributors','name') , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->'identifiers','value')))) @@ (to_tsquery('simple', f_unaccent('''english''')))) AND left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')),600) < ( SELECT left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')),600) FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')),600) OFFSET 10000 LIMIT 1 ) ORDER BY left(lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')),600) LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 ), allrecords AS ( SELECT jsonb, lower(f_unaccent(jsonb->>'title')) AS title FROM fs09000000_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', f_unaccent(concat_space_sql(instance.jsonb->>'title' , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->'contributors','name') , concat_array_object_values(instance.jsonb->'identifiers','value')))) @@ (to_tsquery('simple', f_unaccent('''english''')))) AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM headrecords) < 100 ) SELECT jsonb, title, 0 AS count FROM headrecords WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM headrecords) >= 100 UNION (SELECT jsonb, title, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM allrecords) AS count FROM allrecords ORDER BY title LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 ) ORDER BY title |
6. Missing indexes
See Attached FameFlower Performance Test Runs.xlsx for details
- FOLIO performs better without being profiled when the tests are running