JIRA Status | Description | Assignee/Actions |
Draft | PO is defining the user story. Not ready for the team to review. | Assignee: PO (or Craig for back-end stories) - Requirements to be finalized and added to story/bug
- Story/bug to be updated according to the templates
Open | Ready for development team to groom. | Assignee: None - Story/bug to be reviewed and discussed on Backlog Grooming
- Requirements to be clarified
- Acceptance criteria to be understood
- Estimation to be added
In Progress | Development is in progress | Assignee: Developer - Requirements to be turned into working software
- Acceptance criteria to be met
- Tests to be added/updated to ensure 80% coverage
- Dev verification to be done
- Critical defects to be addressed
Blocked | Development is blocked | Assignee: Developer - Blocker to be linked in JIRA via "is blocked by" (if any)
- Comment to be added to clarify what the blocker is (in case there is no blocking story)
In Code Review | PR is done and Code Review is in progress | Assignee: Developer - PR to be reviewed by other developers
- Comments to be addressed
- At least 2 approves of a PR are required
- PR to be merged
In Review | PR is merged and updates are ready for review | Assignee: Developer Assignee: PO (or Craig for back-end stories) - Story/Bug to be checked on http://folio-snapshot-stable.aws.indexdata.com
- Back-end Story/Bug: the API Tests should be run from master branch or a branch with prepared PR to make sure no regression introduced and new tests meet Acceptance Criteria. If all is okay, the PR is approved and merged to master
- Story to be closed if requirements are met and it conforms to the definition of done
- Story to be reassigned back to developer In Progress in case the requirements are not met
- Additional stories to be created in case additional requirements/updates are identified while review
Closed | Story is accepted by PO and closed | Assignee: PO (or Craig for back-end stories) - Updates to be demonstrated on System Demo