Acquisitions/Thunderjet Development Team
Panel |
borderColor | #DEE4E4 |
bgColor | #F7FBFB |
title | Contents |
Recent space activity
Recent updates |
types | page, comment, blogpost |
max | 5 |
hideHeading | true |
theme | social |
Team Calendar
calendar |
id | 5c9b23ff-e933-4270-bd59-7f87434b69a2,0c24db02-eb91-4a4c-a466-22240c0e82cd,cb71f108-1ff5-4486-9d47-73d9c543f009,20962a65-5fcf-435d-bcfc-ec831d59e836 |
User Story or Bug can be added to Sprint only if it conforms to the following criteria of Definition of Ready:
- Requirements are clearly expressed by PO, reviewed/groomed and well understood by dev team;
- Acceptance criteria are clearly defined and confirmed by PO and dev team;
- Estimation in Story Points is added;
- There are no blockers, dependencies, prerequisites preventing the team from completion of the story/bug (if there are any - they must be clearly indicated and story/bug must be moved to Blocked status);
- Story conforms to INVEST requirements (if possible):
- Independent
- Negotiable
- Valuable
- Estimatable
- Small
- Testable
Spikes / Investigations
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | 01505d01-b853-3c2e-90f1-ee9b165564fc |
key | MODORDSTOR-34 |
| Postgres SEQUENCEs for generating po_line_number suffixes |