- Export Unexported interactorsUITEST-133
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUITEST-132Resolved issue: UITEST-132Zak Burke
- import axe-core from jest-config-stripesUITEST-131
- migrate react-intl to v7UITEST-130Resolved issue: UITEST-130
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUITEST-129Resolved issue: UITEST-129Zak Burke
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUITEST-128Resolved issue: UITEST-128
- CLONE - Advanced Search Modal - WCAG 2.1 AA - 2.4.6 Accessibility issuesUITEST-127Resolved issue: UITEST-127Dmytro Melnyshyn
- migrate to shared CI workflowsUITEST-126Resolved issue: UITEST-126Zak Burke
- CLONE - Rename UI permissionsUITEST-125Resolved issue: UITEST-125Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Rename UI permissionsUITEST-124Resolved issue: UITEST-124Dmytro Melnyshyn
- CLONE - Rename UI permissionsUITEST-123Resolved issue: UITEST-123Dmytro Melnyshyn
- Refactor ui-inventory permissionsUITEST-121Resolved issue: UITEST-121Mariia Aloshyna
- import from @interactors/html instead of bigtestUITEST-120Resolved issue: UITEST-120Zak Burke
- Compatibility Issue with Cypress 13: cypress-cloud Dependency Causing CI FailuresUITEST-119Ethan Freestone
- Update TextArea interactor to support clear iconUITEST-118Resolved issue: UITEST-118Denys Bohdan
- convert b3.1 to GAUITEST-117Resolved issue: UITEST-117Zak Burke
- CLONE - Make Inventory search and browse query boxes expandableUITEST-116Resolved issue: UITEST-116Denys Bohdan
- Release for Bugfest (Poppy, 2023-R2)UITEST-113Resolved issue: UITEST-113Zak Burke
- Release for Stripes v9 (Poppy, 2023-R2)UITEST-112Resolved issue: UITEST-112Zak Burke
- CLONE - MARC authority app : Remove search type dropdownUITEST-111Resolved issue: UITEST-111Denys Bohdan
- Broken interactor due to changed web componentUITEST-110Resolved issue: UITEST-110John Coburn
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUITEST-109Resolved issue: UITEST-109Zak Burke
- provide React 18 test infrastructure for BTOGUITEST-108Resolved issue: UITEST-108Zak Burke
- Dockerfile: apt-get upgradeUITEST-107Resolved issue: UITEST-107
- Update MulticolumnList interactor for paging buttons.UITEST-106Resolved issue: UITEST-106John Coburn
- 2023-R1 (Orchid) releaseUITEST-105Resolved issue: UITEST-105Zak Burke
- 2022-R3 (Nolana) releaseUITEST-104Resolved issue: UITEST-104Zak Burke
- cypress tests fail with "Webpack Compilation Error"UITEST-103Resolved issue: UITEST-103Zak Burke
- List interactor uses app-specific selectorUITEST-102Resolved issue: UITEST-102
- Errors in Pane interactorUITEST-101Resolved issue: UITEST-101John Coburn
- Update circulationLoanHistoryPathUITEST-100Resolved issue: UITEST-100Priyanka Terala
- Morning Glory 2022 R2 module releaseUITEST-99Resolved issue: UITEST-99Zak Burke
- replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parserUITEST-98Resolved issue: UITEST-98Zak Burke
- Lotus 2022 R1 bugfix module releaseUITEST-97Resolved issue: UITEST-97Zak Burke
- Provide a NoValue interactorUITEST-95Resolved issue: UITEST-95Zak Burke
- Code review and merge UITEST-91 "Replace Hmac by Hash"UITEST-94Resolved issue: UITEST-94Zak Burke
- Advanced Search - fix interactor for options selectUITEST-93Resolved issue: UITEST-93Denys Bohdan
- Lotus 2022 R1 module releaseUITEST-92Resolved issue: UITEST-92Zak Burke
- Replace Hmac by Hash avoiding hardcoded secretUITEST-91Resolved issue: UITEST-91
- Addition of interactors depended on by STCOM-922 testsUITEST-90
- Advanced Search componentUITEST-89Resolved issue: UITEST-89Denys Bohdan
- data-test attributes contain mixed-case valuesUITEST-87Resolved issue: UITEST-87Zak Burke
- Export mocha from stripes-testingUITEST-86Resolved issue: UITEST-86John Coburn
- Centralize Jest setupUITEST-85Ryan Berger
- Export centralized axe testing configurationUITEST-84Resolved issue: UITEST-84
- Release for Kiwi R3 2021UITEST-82Resolved issue: UITEST-82Zak Burke
- export mocks for consumption by UI-apps' functional testUITEST-81Resolved issue: UITEST-81
- Refresh dependencies/interactors for stripes-componentsUITEST-80Resolved issue: UITEST-80John Coburn
- Release for R2 2021UITEST-79Resolved issue: UITEST-79
- MultiColumnListCell interactor uses content as "column" filter, not the column nameUITEST-78Resolved issue: UITEST-78John Coburn
50 of 122
Export Unexported interactors
Potential Workaround
John Coburn
John CoburnPriority
Development Team
Stripes Force
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created last week
Updated last week
The Applist interactor can be used by multiple repos to interact with the main FOLIO navigation rendered by