- Release stripes-authorization-components v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UISAUTHCOM-54Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-54Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- ("reintcon" env) Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-53Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-53
- Old capabilities are not removed when editing a shared role (which had a set before sharing) in "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-51
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUISAUTHCOM-50Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-50Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Same capabilities from both comparing roles are highlightedUISAUTHCOM-52Yury Barsukou
- ECS | Shared duplicated role cannot be deletedUISAUTHCOM-49Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-49Dennis Bridges
- (Eureka R BF") Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-48Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-48Yury Barsukou
- migrate react-intl to v7UISAUTHCOM-46Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-46Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- jest-axe reports a11y warningsUISAUTHCOM-45Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-45Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add accessibility testing to automated tests.UISAUTHCOM-44Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-44Zak Burke
- ECS | "Role could not be shared" appears when sharing role in "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-47Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-47Dennis Bridges
- User names in role details page should not be hyperlinked if user doesn't have access to Users moduleUISAUTHCOM-42Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-42Yury Barsukou
- Capabilities included in capability set are not deselected when deselecting a setUISAUTHCOM-41Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-41Yury Barsukou
- Enforce new "manage" permission setUISAUTHCOM-39Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-39Craig McNally
- Ability to select entire columns of capabilities in each capability/capabilitySet grid/accordionUISAUTHCOM-40Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-40Craig McNally
- ECS: Add Tenant identifier to title of Select user modalUISAUTHCOM-37Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-37Dennis Bridges
- The "create" and "delete" actions are not shown for "settings" capability/capabilitySet accordionsUISAUTHCOM-38Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-38Ryan Berger
- (ECS) 404 errors for a user with an admin role in all tenants in role detailed view in Member tenantsUISAUTHCOM-36Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-36Yauhen Viazau
- ReleaseUISAUTHCOM-34Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-34
- migrate to shared CI workflowsUISAUTHCOM-31Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-31Zak Burke
- Hide sharing action button in case when not all permissions are presentedUISAUTHCOM-29Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-29Dennis Bridges
- Update user capability hooksUISAUTHCOM-25Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-25Uladzislau Kutarkin
- "Create user records in Keycloak" confirmation dialog appears prematurelyUISAUTHCOM-27Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-27Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Hide editing/sharing policy in "Consortium Manager"UISAUTHCOM-24Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-24Dennis Bridges
- "Capability sets" accordion has no loading animation when opening role for edit after creationUISAUTHCOM-28Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-28Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Create reusable hooks and components for duplicate authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-19Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-19Alisher Musurmonov
- Display toast message for Save and edit Authorization Roles in Consortia managerUISAUTHCOM-23Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-23Dennis Bridges
- Create reusable components for editing, saving Authorization policies for the consortiumUISAUTHCOM-17Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-17Alisher Musurmonov
- Improve capability tables navigation for authorization roles UIUISAUTHCOM-16Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-16Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Support sharing of authorization roles and policiesUISAUTHCOM-14Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-14Yury Saukou
- Cleanup only capabilities related queries on close edit roleUISAUTHCOM-13Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-13Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Ensure support for the passed `tenantId` value for manipulations in the context of a specific tenantUISAUTHCOM-12Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-12Yury Saukou
- Move reusable components from `ui-authorization-policies` repositoryUISAUTHCOM-11Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-11Dennis Bridges
- Move "Select application" button to the top of the role edit viewUISAUTHCOM-22Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-22Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add button to unassign all assigned capabilities/sets when editing an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-18Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-18Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Capabilities from unselected application sometimes shown as assigned for a role after editingUISAUTHCOM-43Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-43Yury Barsukou
- Add hooks for fetching users-capabilitiesUISAUTHCOM-8Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-8Uladzislau Kutarkin
- (evrk2) Cannot save a role after selecting and then deselecting a capability setUISAUTHCOM-9Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-9Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Incorrect value being sent in X-Okapi-Tenant for several calls in Settings -> Authorization RolesUISAUTHCOM-7Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-7Ryan Berger
- Loading animation for Capabilities and Capability sets not shown when editing role againUISAUTHCOM-10Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-10Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add formatter to highlight unique values in CapabilitySectionUISAUTHCOM-5Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-5Uladzislau Kutarkin
- (evrk2) Capabilities related to set not unchecked when set is unchecked when editing roleUISAUTHCOM-6Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-6Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Prevent editing of shared Policies from outside "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-21Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-21Serhii_Nosko
- Prevent editing of shared Role from outside "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-20Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-20Dennis Bridges
- Library set upUISAUTHCOM-4Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-4Mikita Siadykh
- Move component CapabilitiesSection from ui-authorization-rolesUISAUTHCOM-2Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-2Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Move reusable components from UIROLES to a shared repository.UISAUTHCOM-1Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-1Alisher Musurmonov
- Role/User Assignments: Confirmation dialog when JIT AuthUser creation is required.UISAUTHCOM-15Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-15Aidyn Zhakizhanov
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