- Release stripes-authorization-components v Sunflower Release (R1 2025)UISAUTHCOM-54Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-54Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- ("reintcon" env) Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-53Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-53
- Old capabilities are not removed when editing a shared role (which had a set before sharing) in "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-51
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUISAUTHCOM-50Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-50Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Same capabilities from both comparing roles are highlightedUISAUTHCOM-52Yury Barsukou
- ECS | Shared duplicated role cannot be deletedUISAUTHCOM-49Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-49Dennis Bridges
- (Eureka R BF") Capability set remains assigned after selecting and then deselecting it when creating an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-48Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-48Yury Barsukou
- migrate react-intl to v7UISAUTHCOM-46Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-46Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- jest-axe reports a11y warningsUISAUTHCOM-45Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-45Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add accessibility testing to automated tests.UISAUTHCOM-44Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-44Zak Burke
- ECS | "Role could not be shared" appears when sharing role in "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-47Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-47Dennis Bridges
- User names in role details page should not be hyperlinked if user doesn't have access to Users moduleUISAUTHCOM-42Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-42Yury Barsukou
- Capabilities included in capability set are not deselected when deselecting a setUISAUTHCOM-41Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-41Yury Barsukou
- Enforce new "manage" permission setUISAUTHCOM-39Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-39Craig McNally
- Ability to select entire columns of capabilities in each capability/capabilitySet grid/accordionUISAUTHCOM-40Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-40Craig McNally
- ECS: Add Tenant identifier to title of Select user modalUISAUTHCOM-37Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-37Dennis Bridges
- The "create" and "delete" actions are not shown for "settings" capability/capabilitySet accordionsUISAUTHCOM-38Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-38Ryan Berger
- (ECS) 404 errors for a user with an admin role in all tenants in role detailed view in Member tenantsUISAUTHCOM-36Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-36Yauhen Viazau
- ReleaseUISAUTHCOM-34Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-34
- migrate to shared CI workflowsUISAUTHCOM-31Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-31Zak Burke
- Hide sharing action button in case when not all permissions are presentedUISAUTHCOM-29Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-29Dennis Bridges
- Update user capability hooksUISAUTHCOM-25Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-25Uladzislau Kutarkin
- "Create user records in Keycloak" confirmation dialog appears prematurelyUISAUTHCOM-27Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-27Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Hide editing/sharing policy in "Consortium Manager"UISAUTHCOM-24Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-24Dennis Bridges
- "Capability sets" accordion has no loading animation when opening role for edit after creationUISAUTHCOM-28Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-28Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Create reusable hooks and components for duplicate authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-19Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-19Alisher Musurmonov
- Display toast message for Save and edit Authorization Roles in Consortia managerUISAUTHCOM-23Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-23Dennis Bridges
- Create reusable components for editing, saving Authorization policies for the consortiumUISAUTHCOM-17Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-17Alisher Musurmonov
- Improve capability tables navigation for authorization roles UIUISAUTHCOM-16Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-16Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Support sharing of authorization roles and policiesUISAUTHCOM-14Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-14Yury Saukou
- Cleanup only capabilities related queries on close edit roleUISAUTHCOM-13Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-13Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Ensure support for the passed `tenantId` value for manipulations in the context of a specific tenantUISAUTHCOM-12Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-12Yury Saukou
- Move reusable components from `ui-authorization-policies` repositoryUISAUTHCOM-11Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-11Dennis Bridges
- Move "Select application" button to the top of the role edit viewUISAUTHCOM-22Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-22Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add button to unassign all assigned capabilities/sets when editing an authorization roleUISAUTHCOM-18Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-18Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Capabilities from unselected application sometimes shown as assigned for a role after editingUISAUTHCOM-43Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-43Yury Barsukou
- Add hooks for fetching users-capabilitiesUISAUTHCOM-8Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-8Uladzislau Kutarkin
- (evrk2) Cannot save a role after selecting and then deselecting a capability setUISAUTHCOM-9Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-9Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Incorrect value being sent in X-Okapi-Tenant for several calls in Settings -> Authorization RolesUISAUTHCOM-7Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-7Ryan Berger
- Loading animation for Capabilities and Capability sets not shown when editing role againUISAUTHCOM-10Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-10Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Add formatter to highlight unique values in CapabilitySectionUISAUTHCOM-5Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-5Uladzislau Kutarkin
- (evrk2) Capabilities related to set not unchecked when set is unchecked when editing roleUISAUTHCOM-6Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-6Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Prevent editing of shared Policies from outside "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-21Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-21Serhii_Nosko
- Prevent editing of shared Role from outside "Consortium manager"UISAUTHCOM-20Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-20Dennis Bridges
- Library set upUISAUTHCOM-4Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-4Mikita Siadykh
- Move component CapabilitiesSection from ui-authorization-rolesUISAUTHCOM-2Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-2Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Move reusable components from UIROLES to a shared repository.UISAUTHCOM-1Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-1Alisher Musurmonov
- Role/User Assignments: Confirmation dialog when JIT AuthUser creation is required.UISAUTHCOM-15Resolved issue: UISAUTHCOM-15Aidyn Zhakizhanov
48 of 48
Something went wrong on our end
If this keeps happening, share this information with your admin, who should contact support.
Hash 4JD0BN
Trace 94ea40204bef457c8bfb6de08ad4a669
Potential Workaround
Story Points
Development Team
Fix versions
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Oleksii Kuzminov
changed the Status2 days agoIn Progress
Oleksii Kuzminov
updated the Resolution2 days agoNone
Oleksii Kuzminov
updated the Fix versions2 days agoNone
Aidyn Zhakizhanov
changed the Status3 days agoOpen
In Progress
Natalia Zaitseva
changed the Assignee3 days agoUnassigned
Aidyn Zhakizhanov
Natalia Zaitseva
changed the Parent3 days agoNone
Natalia Zaitseva
updated the Link3 days agoNone
This issue defines UXPROD-5092
Natalia Zaitseva
created the Issue3 days ago