- loosen GA depSTCLI-266Resolved issue: STCLI-266Zak Burke
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseSTCLI-265Resolved issue: STCLI-265Zak Burke
- Q CSP: publish a 3.1 release with an updated stripes-webpack dependencySTCLI-264Resolved issue: STCLI-264Zak Burke
- R CSP: publish a 3.2 release with an updated stripes-webpack dependencySTCLI-263Resolved issue: STCLI-263Zak Burke
- migrate react-intl to v7STCLI-262Resolved issue: STCLI-262
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsSTCLI-261Resolved issue: STCLI-261Zak Burke
- bump minimum node engine to 20STCLI-260Resolved issue: STCLI-260Zak Burke
- BREAKING provide transpile commandSTCLI-259Zak Burke
- Check for `main` branch in `stripes platform pull` commandSTCLI-258Resolved issue: STCLI-258Denys Bohdan
- implement CODEOWNERSSTCLI-257Resolved issue: STCLI-257Zak Burke
- set disableStrictMode to true in test-env's stripes.config.jsSTCLI-256Resolved issue: STCLI-256Zak Burke
- STCLI - Spike: Replace Karma testing setup.STCLI-255John Coburn
- Add ui-claims to snapshot hosted environmentsSTCLI-252Resolved issue: STCLI-252Yury Saukou
- omit MD publishing steps in shared workflowsSTCLI-251Resolved issue: STCLI-251Zak Burke
- ./lib/commands/platform/pull::pullRepository() calls okToPull() incorrectlySTCLI-250Resolved issue: STCLI-250Zak Burke
- migrate to shared CI workflowsSTCLI-249Resolved issue: STCLI-249Zak Burke
- SPIKE: handle https connection through proxy.STCLI-248Resolved issue: STCLI-248Zak Burke
- Enable CORS support through proxy.STCLI-247Resolved issue: STCLI-247Zak Burke
- Add a proxy server to stripes-cliSTCLI-246Resolved issue: STCLI-246Denys Bohdan
- provide a license toolSTCLI-245
- Migrate Yarn from V1 to V4STCLI-244Resolved issue: STCLI-244Zak Burke
- Add ui-lists and ui-plugin-query-builder to stripes workspaceSTCLI-243Resolved issue: STCLI-243Bobby Sharp
- release v3.0.1STCLI-242Resolved issue: STCLI-242Zak Burke
- Add new projects to stripes workspace commandSTCLI-241Resolved issue: STCLI-241Mariia Aloshyna
- Provide detailed error loggingSTCLI-240Resolved issue: STCLI-240Zak Burke
- "build" command dies ugly when assets are missingSTCLI-239
- Release for Stripes v9 (Poppy, 2023-R2)STCLI-238Resolved issue: STCLI-238Zak Burke
- Fix test coverage oddness...STCLI-237
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsSTCLI-236Resolved issue: STCLI-236Zak Burke
- upgrade react to v18STCLI-235Resolved issue: STCLI-235Zak Burke
- bump fast-xml-parser to avoid CVE-2023-34104, CVE-2023-26920STCLI-234Resolved issue: STCLI-234Zak Burke
- rename "transpile" to "bundle"STCLI-233
- Adjust place where the babel-loader is locatedSTCLI-231Resolved issue: STCLI-231Michal Kuklis
- provide tool to match translation keys to package.json permissionsSTCLI-230Resolved issue: STCLI-230Zak Burke
- support "--instrument" flag to include test instrumentation in bundle outputSTCLI-229Resolved issue: STCLI-229
- 2.6.x must lock to stripes-webpack ~4.1 (without stripes-ui)STCLI-227Resolved issue: STCLI-227Zak Burke
- Upgrade Mocha from 9 to 10 fixing ReDoSSTCLI-226Resolved issue: STCLI-226John Coburn
- 2023-R1 (Orchid) releaseSTCLI-225Resolved issue: STCLI-225Zak Burke
- support transpilationSTCLI-224Resolved issue: STCLI-224Michal Kuklis
- SPIKE: unpin webpack dependencySTCLI-222Resolved issue: STCLI-222Zak Burke
- Spike: leverage cookie-based authentication in all API requestsSTCLI-221Resolved issue: STCLI-221Zak Burke
- Fix warnings when running karma / bigtest testsSTCLI-220Resolved issue: STCLI-220Michal Kuklis
- After selecting some sections, the text doesn't change it's color during clicking.STCLI-219Resolved issue: STCLI-219
- Add stripes-ui to the list of stripes modulesSTCLI-217Resolved issue: STCLI-217Michal Kuklis
- stripes-webpack cannot be added to the workspace as part of the `stripes workspace` commandSTCLI-216Resolved issue: STCLI-216Noah Overcash
- refactor from CommonJS to ESMSTCLI-215Zak Burke
- refactor away from node-fetch-npmSTCLI-214Resolved issue: STCLI-214Zak Burke
- 2022-R3 (Nolana) releaseSTCLI-212Resolved issue: STCLI-212Zak Burke
- Adjust stripes-cli for testing after transpilation work in stripes-webpackSTCLI-211Resolved issue: STCLI-211Michal Kuklis
- Morning Glory 2022 R2 module releaseSTCLI-210Resolved issue: STCLI-210Zak Burke
50 of 241
Purpose: Institutions that allow items to transit between service points to fill requests will want to run a report periodically - probably daily - that lists items that are in transit to or from a particular service point that should have arrived by now, based on expected transit times. The report must contain bib information, item call #, item barcode, etc as well as the service point an item is coming from, where it is going to, and when it became in transit.
NOTE - The concept of "average travel time" between service points has been discussed in passing but not defined or analyzed. An expected transit time is probably needed for any time an item is travelling between service points, not just to fill a request.
Some thin thread implementation ideas:
Augment Requests csv to include "Date in transit" (the date the item went in transit), "From service point" and "To service point"
OR create specialized csv for this purpose with Requests that are in Transit, "From service point" and "To service point" and "Days in transit"
AND/OR modify the Requests app search results to add this data as additional columns (but the list of columns is already too long to fit on one page...)