- 18/17-CM (Hold shelf expiration date)SIP2-265
- 10/09-CR (Material Type)SIP2-264
- 12/11-AG (Checkout Note)SIP2-263
- 10/09-AG (Checkin Note)SIP2-262
- Release: Sunflower - edge-sip2SIP2-260Resolved issue: SIP2-260Gurleen Kaur1
- FOLIO selfcheck renewalsSIP2-259
- Diverging defaults for alwaysCheckPatronPasswordSIP2-258
- edge-sip2 on production site only returning 10 checked out items in patron information responseSIP2-257Karri Kalyan
- Update to edge-sip2 Java 21SIP2-266Resolved issue: SIP2-266Gurleen Kaur1
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupSIP2-256
- Consider eliminating IP and port based tenant configSIP2-255
- Release Q CSP #10 fix SIP2-249SIP2-254Resolved issue: SIP2-254Gurleen Kaur1
- Release R CSP #1 fix SIP2-249SIP2-253Resolved issue: SIP2-253Gurleen Kaur1
- CQL injection, encode CQL strings, use percent encodingSIP2-252Resolved issue: SIP2-252Julian Ladisch
- Extended functionality with Bibliotheca self-issue kiosks - Trinity College LibrarySIP2-251
- Support using of HA PROXY protocolSIP2-250
- Checkout Request for Item with '/' in barcode fails with cql parse error - TITLE NOT FOUNDSIP2-249Resolved issue: SIP2-249Gurleen Kaur1
- Make health check port configurableSIP2-247
- Rename automated patron blocks permissionSIP2-244Resolved issue: SIP2-244Roman Barannyk
- Release Ramsons BugfixSIP2-243Resolved issue: SIP2-243Gurleen Kaur1
- Some title requests break access to patron accountSIP2-242
- Connection to self issue kioskSIP2-241
- SIP2 providing values in USD rather than ZARSIP2-240Resolved issue: SIP2-240Karri Kalyan
- Invalid checkin response message when item identifier does not existSIP2-239Kurt Nordstrom
- Invalid checksum if patron information response includes special charactersSIP2-238Resolved issue: SIP2-238Kurt Nordstrom
- Release: Ramsons - edge-sip2SIP2-233Resolved issue: SIP2-233Gurleen Kaur1
- AH Field (Due Date) Issue in Unsuccessful RenewalsSIP2-232Resolved issue: SIP2-232Brandon Barnette
- AJ Field (Title) Issue in Successful RenewalsSIP2-231Resolved issue: SIP2-231Brandon Barnette
- For Patron information and Patron Status command an error QueryValidationException thrownSIP2-230Kurt Nordstrom
- Release fix for Quesnelia (R1 2024) Service Patch #5SIP2-229Resolved issue: SIP2-229Gurleen Kaur1
- Patron Information request issues Patron login when patronPasswordVerificationRequired = falseSIP2-228
- SIP2: Connection not possible when setting up SSL support with PEM optionSIP2-227Gurleen Kaur1
- Invalid Response for Patron Information due to holdItems array with null entrySIP2-226Resolved issue: SIP2-226Kurt Nordstrom
- SIP2: Invalid item information response (18) when item identifier is not found.SIP2-225Resolved issue: SIP2-225Kurt Nordstrom
- Clean up the login with cache codeSIP2-224Resolved issue: SIP2-224Gurleen Kaur1
- SIP2: Invalid checkin response message when using reject on item status feature (SIP2-186)SIP2-223Resolved issue: SIP2-223Kurt Nordstrom
- SIP2 login issue - active session with an invalid passwordSIP2-222Resolved issue: SIP2-222Gurleen Kaur1
- edge-sip2 returns "valid patron password" field in 64 message even with password validation turned offSIP2-221Resolved issue: SIP2-221Kurt Nordstrom
- Release SIP2-219 for Quesnelia (R1 2024) Service Patch #4SIP2-220Resolved issue: SIP2-220Gurleen Kaur1
- Add support for COP currency typeSIP2-219Resolved issue: SIP2-219Gurleen Kaur1
- Do proof of concept for list of port numbers or a port range for that port property in the config.SIP2-217Resolved issue: SIP2-217Gurleen Kaur1
- FeePaidHandlerTests test ends with FAILURE. Issue with localeSIP2-216Resolved issue: SIP2-216Kurt Nordstrom
- Release fix for Q CSP #1SIP2-215Resolved issue: SIP2-215Gurleen Kaur1
- Disable host veryfing in FIPS modeSIP2-214Resolved issue: SIP2-214Gurleen Kaur1
- Do proof of concecpt for using the AO (Institution ID) for identifying tenants when IP address is shared among tenants.SIP2-213Resolved issue: SIP2-213Gurleen Kaur1
- wrong patron information response (64)SIP2-212Resolved issue: SIP2-212Kurt Nordstrom
- Self checkout set up issuesSIP2-211Kurt Nordstrom
- Release Q BugFixSIP2-210Resolved issue: SIP2-210Gurleen Kaur1
- EdgeSip2IT for "mvn verify"SIP2-209Resolved issue: SIP2-209Julian Ladisch
- \r missing from error response messageSIP2-208Resolved issue: SIP2-208Julian Ladisch
50 of 245