Add support for COP currency type


While testing sip2 connectivity for a library (Javeriana) we encounter a WARN message in the log regarding Null currency value

20:00:55 [] [] [] [] WARN  SessionData          Null currency value, therefore default value USD will be used

Library has settings configuration as

Requesting that support for currency COP be added?

{"supportedMessages": [{"messageName": "PATRON_STATUS_REQUEST","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "CHECKOUT","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "CHECKIN","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "BLOCK_PATRON","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "SC_ACS_STATUS","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "LOGIN","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "PATRON_INFORMATION","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "END_PATRON_SESSION","isSupported": "Y"},{"messageName": "FEE_PAID","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "ITEM_INFORMATION","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "PATRON_ENABLE","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "HOLD","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "RENEW","isSupported": "N"},{"messageName": "RENEW_ALL","isSupported": "N"}],"statusUpdateOk": false,"offlineOk": false,"currencyType" : "COP","language" : "es","patronPasswordVerificationRequired" : false}

Without this support – could we please understand how default currency USD will be handled? What is the workaround?
This is important to library in getting sip2 configured

CSP Request Details

1. Requestor will present these items in meeting with RMS panel Tim Auger 2. Describe issue impact on business Probably limited impact on EBSCO's business but for SIP2, their vendor would be unable to support the accurate display of fees/fines and making payments. 3. What institutions are affected? (field “Effected Institutions” in Jira to be populated) Universidad Javeriana UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE 4. What is the workaround if exists? No workaround exists 5. What areas will be impacted by fix (i.e. what areas need to be retested) SIP2 only 6. Brief explanation of technical implementation and the level of effort (in workdays) and technical risk (low/medium/high) Low 7. Brief explanation of testing required and level of effort (in workdays). Provide test plan agreed with by QA Manager and PO. - Low 8. What is the roll back plan in case the fix does not work? - Previous verison of this module can be deployed.

CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround



  • 20 Aug 2024, 07:16 PM





Oleksii Petrenko September 18, 2024 at 7:31 AM

Deployed to Q bf

Tim Auger August 26, 2024 at 4:59 PM

There isn’t a CSP Q #4 release so I’ve set to “not scheduled”

do you create the next CSP release?

Anya August 26, 2024 at 2:06 PM

Support: and please update the release field and the approval process for a CSP.



Tetiana Gusar August 22, 2024 at 1:57 PM

As discussed today it will most likely go into CSP #4 (~ in early September, exact date will be announced later), because we need more time to release and get approvals from rms group.


Gurleen Kaur1 August 22, 2024 at 11:18 AM

Hello ,

The reason we ask this questions is - Can we confidently assume that simply adding the currency in sip2 will suffice for the commands to function with these currencies, assuming that these currencies are operational on the FOLIO side for Javeriana's environment (the issue was reported in this environment to begin with) ?






Story Points


Development Team


Fix versions


Quesnelia (R1 2024) Service Patch #4

RCA Group

Requirements change

CSP Approved


Affects versions

Affected releases

Poppy (R2 2023)

Affected Institution


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 7, 2024 at 2:56 PM
Updated October 31, 2024 at 9:06 AM
Resolved August 28, 2024 at 7:19 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs