- Materials expenditures tracked through the office of sponsored programsREP-233Resolved issue: REP-233
- All materials expenditures divided into physical vs. electronic (lower priority for breakouts by format within these divisions). (Lower priority for budgeted amounts for materials?)REP-232Resolved issue: REP-232
- Count of archival boxesREP-231Resolved issue: REP-231
- Titles and Item HoldingsREP-230Resolved issue: REP-230Nancy Bolduc
- Counts of resources by language/country of publicationREP-229Resolved issue: REP-229
- Number of serial titles currently receivedREP-228Sharon Markus
- Steady State Report for Moving Items to the Library AnnexREP-215Resolved issue: REP-215Sharon Markus
- Guest Users with GuestID access and expiration dateREP-225Resolved issue: REP-225Joanne Leary
- Guest users by library card type and expiration dateREP-224Resolved issue: REP-224Joanne Leary
- User by Permission Set in FOLIOREP-223Resolved issue: REP-223Stefan Dombek
- Find new faculty (created date>=x); show dept, campus addressREP-222Resolved issue: REP-222
- Active patrons by stat codeREP-221Resolved issue: REP-221Joanne Leary
- Active patrons by patron groupREP-220Resolved issue: REP-220Joanne Leary
- Users by group (contact all members of a group)REP-219Resolved issue: REP-219
- User data validation - users with no email address, users with no mailing address, etc.REP-218Resolved issue: REP-218
- Who created or last modified a patron's user account (audit trail)REP-217
- Academic Staff by department / campus addressREP-216Resolved issue: REP-216Joanne Leary
- Items currently chargedREP-193Resolved issue: REP-193Anne L. Highsmith
- Item Charge historyREP-192Resolved issue: REP-192Anne L. Highsmith
- Work activity reportREP-188
- Usage of retained itemsREP-187
- Usage for consortially-licensed packagesREP-186Resolved issue: REP-186Stefan Dombek
- Turnaround timeREP-185
- Title list of all/filled/unfilled requestsREP-184Resolved issue: REP-184
- System uptime reportREP-183
- Staff account status reportREP-182
- Shelflist (with additional data elements)REP-181Resolved issue: REP-181Sharon Markus
- Patron status reportREP-180Resolved issue: REP-180
- Overlap reportREP-179
- Overlap reportREP-178
- Max/min threshold alertsREP-177
- Loans to other libraries countREP-176Resolved issue: REP-176
- Loaned items in overdue status during reporting periodREP-175
- License terms analysisREP-174
- Items owned by other libraries currently housed at home library (for floating collections)REP-173
- Items in transit for "too long"REP-172Resolved issue: REP-172Joanne Leary
- Fines/feesREP-171
- Filled percentageREP-170
- Currently overdue items on loan by non-home library patronsREP-169Resolved issue: REP-169
- Current assigned work itemsREP-168Resolved issue: REP-168
- Count of items retainedREP-167Resolved issue: REP-167
- Costs for consortially licensed packagesREP-166Resolved issue: REP-166
- Configuration parameters reportREP-165Resolved issue: REP-165
- Cataloguing statisticsREP-164Resolved issue: REP-164
- Borrows from other libraries countREP-163Resolved issue: REP-163
- Borrowing ratio reportREP-162Resolved issue: REP-162
- 3rd party integration statusREP-161Resolved issue: REP-161
- External list of items from campus storeREP-160Resolved issue: REP-160
- Recall requests for items loaned to consortial partnersREP-138Resolved issue: REP-138
- Build a FOLIO Data Dictionary for reportingREP-4Resolved issue: REP-4
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REPORT DESCRIPTION: length of time with "in transit" status, item identifier, requesting library, owning library; ADDITIONAL SPREADSHEET COLUMNS [Consortial Service: Resource Sharing] [Priority: Critical] [Need (current/desired): Current] [Use (analytical/operational): Operational] [Audience (library/consortium): Library] [Granularity (time): Second] [Similar Report Needs: , , UXPROD-928]; COMMENTS FROM SPREADSHEET: -RA related.