- Support printing styles for result list content.STCOR-956John Coburn
- Improve useModuleInfo(path) hookSTCOR-955Vadym Shchekotilin
- Document idleSessionTTL, idleModalTTL, activityEventsSTCOR-954
- 60-minute default idle session timeout is waaaaaaay too short to be practicalSTCOR-953Resolved issue: STCOR-953Zak Burke
- Page refreshes when user performs actions in "Inventory" appSTCOR-952John Coburn
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseSTCOR-951Resolved issue: STCOR-951Zak Burke
- Remove extra slash in request urlSTCOR-949Resolved issue: STCOR-949Zak Burke
- Eureka ECS: Unable to edit a MARC bib recordSTCOR-950Resolved issue: STCOR-950Denys Bohdan
- (ECS) Cannot switch affiliationsSTCOR-947Resolved issue: STCOR-947Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Set tenant context based on authentication response (Eureka, ECS - Single tenant UX)STCOR-946Craig McNally
- migrate react-intl to v7STCOR-945Resolved issue: STCOR-945Zak Burke
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsSTCOR-944Resolved issue: STCOR-944Zak Burke
- provide missing "logoutTimeout" page titleSTCOR-943Resolved issue: STCOR-943Zak Burke
- migrate off BTOGSTCOR-941
- BREAKING replace moment.js with DayJSSTCOR-939
- Remove remaining references to stripes.isEurekaSTCOR-938Resolved issue: STCOR-938Craig McNally
- transpile on publishSTCOR-937Zak Burke
- Universal header: Allow a user to set Apps display order - Implement Drag 'n Drop functionality and persistenceSTCOR-936Resolved issue: STCOR-936John Coburn
- (Eureka Snapshot) /saml/check API call is being made upon loginSTCOR-935
- update react-cookie to avoid CVE-2024-47764 in cookie < 0.7.0, a transitive depSTCOR-934Resolved issue: STCOR-934Zak Burke
- login page never shows "Log in via SSO" even when SSO is configuredSTCOR-933Resolved issue: STCOR-933Zak Burke
- provide a useModuleFor(path) hook that parses discovery data to maps paths -> modulesSTCOR-932Resolved issue: STCOR-932Zak Burke
- UC - Boulder Accessibility Feedback > Universal Header > Change Help icon aria label to just HelpSTCOR-931Resolved issue: STCOR-931Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Polling requests stop after Token Refresh in the "Data Export", "Bulk edit" аppsSTCOR-929Resolved issue: STCOR-929Vadym Shchekotilin
- Cookie related message is not shown when user tries to log in with cookies offSTCOR-926Resolved issue: STCOR-926Zak Burke
- export hook for reading/writing to mod-settingsSTCOR-925Resolved issue: STCOR-925
- implement CODEOWNERSSTCOR-924Resolved issue: STCOR-924Zak Burke
- (FSE Dry run 1) Automatically logged into Central tenant after logging out from Member tenantSTCOR-923Resolved issue: STCOR-923
- BREAKING replace useSecureTokens conditionals; it's the default nowSTCOR-922Resolved issue: STCOR-922Zak Burke
- 🚨 OMG OMG PANIC a space is missing in a message! 😱 😱 😱 Oh noes! P0! CSPs all the way back to Aster! 🚨STCOR-921Resolved issue: STCOR-921Zak Burke
- handle module federation in a backwards-compatible waySTCOR-919Zak Burke
- BREAKING remove token-based authentication codeSTCOR-918Resolved issue: STCOR-918Zak Burke
- Release v10.2.4STCOR-916Resolved issue: STCOR-916
- BTOG setup-application must not overwrite initialState valuesSTCOR-913Resolved issue: STCOR-913Denys Bohdan
- persist session data more carefully to prevent unintentionally keeping a session aliveSTCOR-911
- Ramsons Bugfest (ECS disabled): Select service point prompt triggered in new tabs within same sessionSTCOR-912Resolved issue: STCOR-912Zak Burke
- provide IfAnyPermission/hasAnyPermission function to OR-permissions instead of AND-ing themSTCOR-910Resolved issue: STCOR-910Zak Burke
- migrate tenant- and user-locale settings to mod-settingsSTCOR-908
- UI presents misleading "Error: server is down" message when server is clearly upSTCOR-907Resolved issue: STCOR-907Zak Burke
- Change useUserTenantPermissions to return permissions from _self endpointsSTCOR-905Resolved issue: STCOR-905Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- Pre-bugfest env | User is not logged out when fixed session timeout expiresSTCOR-906Resolved issue: STCOR-906Zak Burke
- Session timeout in UI should be adjustedSTCOR-930Resolved issue: STCOR-930Craig McNally
- show user-friendly tenant labels on ECS select-tenant pre-login screenSTCOR-899
- Allow RTR configuration to be runtime-configurableSTCOR-898Noah Overcash
- Suggest to clear cookies on "Error: server is down."STCOR-897Resolved issue: STCOR-897Julian Ladisch
- a Q-shaped bundle barfs when it loads a P-shaped sessionSTCOR-896Resolved issue: STCOR-896Zak Burke
- Misleading "server is down"STCOR-893Resolved issue: STCOR-893Julian Ladisch
- slow connections cause /authn/refresh request to be replayed, causing session terminationSTCOR-895Resolved issue: STCOR-895Zak Burke
- (Eureka snapshot ECS) The names of holdings are not displayed for member tenants in "Consortial holdings" accordion after creating an order in Central tenantSTCOR-914Resolved issue: STCOR-914Ryan Berger
- ECS Environment: System log out --> then user log-in should return user to an accurate context.STCOR-891
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