Polling requests stop after Token Refresh in the "Data Export", "Bulk edit" аpps



Overview: During the export of large .csv files (about 1M+ instance records), the export process was stuck at X% on the "Data Export" page. At the same time, polling requests stopped in DevTools after the token refresh call.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to "Data export" app

  2. Trigger the data export by clicking on  the "or choose file" button at "Jobs" pane and submitting large .csv file with Instances UUIDs (file is attached)

  3. Run the "Default instances export job profile" by clicking on it

  4. Specify "Instances" type > Click on "Run" button

Expected result: Polling requests are sent, and the progress bar is updated correctly.

Actual result: Polling requests are stopped and the progress bar is not updated correctly.

Additional information:
It is not always possible to reproduce the issue.
The issue does not prevent data export, after refreshing the page the result is updated

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround








Magda Zacharska March 6, 2025 at 8:38 PM

There is a work around - by refreshing the screen the behavior returns to as expected.

Vadym Shchekotilin March 5, 2025 at 12:02 AM

Hi I did some additional tests with minimizing windows, for me the jobs continue to work after I reopen the page. So my previous comment was not confirmed in practice. Therefore, I suggest closing this issue, if there are no objections based the comment before last.

Tatsiana says that for her this was reproduced from time to time, but a simple page refresh helps, data is not lost and a redirect occurs to next steps.

Vadym Shchekotilin February 19, 2025 at 10:12 AM

Based on information from QA, their tabs are always collapsed after run when they work with big jobs. And Chrome do some throttling for such tabs

Chrome begins throttling timers as soon as a page is no longer visible (e.g., when a tab is hidden or the window is minimized).

  • Immediate Throttling: Once your page goes to the background, Chrome clamps timers (setInterval, setTimeout) so that they run no more frequently than about once per second (i.e., a minimum delay of 1000 ms).

  • Extended Background Periods: If a page remains hidden for an extended period (commonly around 5 minutes), Chrome may further restrict background activity—potentially suspending timers entirely by “freezing” the page.

How the throttling works

The throttling happens in stages:

Minimal throttling

This happens to timers that are scheduled when any of the following is true:

  • The page is visible.

  • The page has made noises in the past 30 seconds. This can be from any of the sound-making APIs, but a silent audio track doesn't count.

The timer isn't throttled, unless the requested timeout is less than 4ms, and the chain count is 5 or greater, in which case the timeout is set to 4ms. This isn't new; browsers have done this for many years.


This happens to timers that are scheduled when minimal throttling doesn't apply, and any of the following is true:

  • The chain count is less than 5.

  • The page has been hidden for less than 5 minutes.

  • WebRTC is in use. Specifically, there's an RTCPeerConnection with an 'open' RTCDataChannel or a 'live' MediaStreamTrack.

The browser will check timers in this group once per second. Because they're only checked once per second, timers with a similar timeout will batch together, consolidating the time the tab needs to run code. This isn't new either; browsers have been doing this to some extent for years.


But, this doesn't answer the question of why this only happens after the refresh token is called.

More information:

Vadym Shchekotilin February 18, 2025 at 9:50 AM

I was unable to reproduce this behavior after testing in Eureka environments. Incognito and non-incognito window, minimized or maximized browser, nothing brought results. An attempt to isolate this problem failed.

Here is an endless job that will be requested and never completed - ideal for testing. Leaving it for hours, after each refresh, the data request continues.

I suggest closing this problem, there is no way to isolate it, the browser is absolutely clean based on the screenshots attached by QA. The code that is responsible for long requests is absolutely normal, without any visible potential problems. In addition, if in some exceptional situations this happens, after reloading the page everything works fine and progress continues (based on info from QA team), the job will not be lost and the user will be redirected to the next steps upon its completion. I don't know what else we can do here.


Magda Zacharska February 5, 2025 at 1:42 PM

to provide further details.

Won't Do





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TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 20, 2024 at 4:09 PM
Updated last week
Resolved March 6, 2025 at 8:38 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs