- UX: User Search and Select for Proxy etc. DesignsUIU-34Resolved issue: UIU-34Matthew Sullivan
- Filter User List by Permission SetsUIU-33Resolved issue: UIU-33Khalilah Gambrell
- patron group filter should use the values from the patron group endpointUIU-32Resolved issue: UIU-32Mike Taylor
- Repeatable Address FieldgroupUIU-29Resolved issue: UIU-29Michal Kuklis
- Extend User Metadata v1UIU-28Resolved issue: UIU-28Niels Erik Nielsen
- UI: Improve/document Keyboard navigation of Results list/Multicolumn List componentSTRIPES-373Resolved issue: STRIPES-373John Coburn
- UI: Document UI ComponentsSTRIPES-372Resolved issue: STRIPES-372John Coburn
- Release ui-users v1.3.0STRIPES-351Resolved issue: STRIPES-351Mike Taylor
- Load locale in to the Stripes object at login timeSTRIPES-350Resolved issue: STRIPES-350Mike Taylor
- Release ui-items v1.2.0STRIPES-348Resolved issue: STRIPES-348Mike Taylor
- When query-function returns undefined, stripes-connect should omit query completelySTRIPES-347Resolved issue: STRIPES-347Jason Skomorowski
- All-records searches in ui-items find no recordsSTRIPES-346Resolved issue: STRIPES-346Mike Taylor
- Abstract out common code of Users and Items top-level settingsSTRIPES-343Resolved issue: STRIPES-343Mike Taylor
- Repeated HTTP error popups if user without perms.permissions.item.put tries to edit a permission setSTRIPES-342Resolved issue: STRIPES-342Mike Taylor
- Users settings: Permission Sets option should not display unless user has perms.permissions.getSTRIPES-341Resolved issue: STRIPES-341Mike Taylor
- ui-items top-level settings should load components using react-routerSTRIPES-340Resolved issue: STRIPES-340Mike Taylor
- ui-users top-level settings should load components using react-routerSTRIPES-339Resolved issue: STRIPES-339Mike Taylor
- First batch of stripes-connect logging uses in-built dummy loggerSTRIPES-338Resolved issue: STRIPES-338Mike Taylor
- Change ui-users settings to use react-routerSTRIPES-337Resolved issue: STRIPES-337
- flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key, `configuration.entries.item.put`.STRIPES-335Resolved issue: STRIPES-335Mike Taylor
- Lint and format the ui-users settings areaSTRIPES-334Resolved issue: STRIPES-334Mike Taylor
- Trying to view a user without permission should not show an errorSTRIPES-332Resolved issue: STRIPES-332Mike Taylor
- Material-types CRUD in Items settings goes off RHS of pageSTRIPES-330Resolved issue: STRIPES-330
- Permission set CRUD scrolling off page (test site)STRIPES-329Resolved issue: STRIPES-329Mike Taylor
- Update all client-side permission names to match new backendSTRIPES-326Resolved issue: STRIPES-326Mike Taylor
- Have paging update limit and offset via the params field in the manifestSTRIPES-313Resolved issue: STRIPES-313Jason Skomorowski
- "item types" should be "material types" and use values from the mt endpointSTRIPES-287Resolved issue: STRIPES-287Mike Taylor
- When a new record is created, the component should receive props describing itSTRIPES-211Resolved issue: STRIPES-211Jason Skomorowski
- UI: “Skip Links”STCOM-7Resolved issue: STCOM-7John Coburn
- UI: Break out/document a ‘SRStatus’ componentSTCOM-3Resolved issue: STCOM-3John Coburn
- return complete Throwable in PostgresClient's replyHandlersRMB-15Resolved issue: RMB-15Julian Ladisch
- Tool for running cross module joinsRMB-14Resolved issue: RMB-14shale99
- Split PostgresClientRMB-10Julian Ladisch
- tenant api - unit tests and code cleanupRMB-3Resolved issue: RMB-3
- RMB: unit tests and code cleanupRMB-2Julian Ladisch
- Log Okapi's own operations like we log proxying opsOKAPI-323Resolved issue: OKAPI-323Heikki Levanto
- Sample module "simple" does not workOKAPI-322Resolved issue: OKAPI-322Heikki Levanto
- refactor getSysConf to okapi commonOKAPI-317Resolved issue: OKAPI-317Adam Dickmeiss
- initdatabase / purgedatabase updates and clarificationsOKAPI-316Resolved issue: OKAPI-316Adam Dickmeiss
- Describe clustered operations better in the guideOKAPI-315Resolved issue: OKAPI-315Heikki Levanto
- Log proxy HTTP requests - with session tracking infoOKAPI-311Resolved issue: OKAPI-311Heikki Levanto
- A ModuleDescriptor handler with no method defined will trigger a NPEOKAPI-308Resolved issue: OKAPI-308Adam Dickmeiss
- Document release procedureOKAPI-287Resolved issue: OKAPI-287Adam Dickmeiss
- Okapi initdatabase hangs when pg db is unavailableOKAPI-255Resolved issue: OKAPI-255Adam Dickmeiss
- extend schema to support fields required by UIU-28MODUSERS-15Resolved issue: MODUSERS-15Niels Erik Nielsen
- Create release for mod-permissionsMODPERMS-7Resolved issue: MODPERMS-7Kurt Nordstrom
- Provide permanent and temporary loan types to items in inventory storageMODINVSTOR-1Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-1Julian Ladisch
- Can't search for items by material-typeMODINV-3Resolved issue: MODINV-3Marc Johnson
- Total record count for instances and items collection resourcesMODINV-2Resolved issue: MODINV-2Marc Johnson
- Provide permanent and temporary loan types to items in inventoryMODINV-1Resolved issue: MODINV-1Marc Johnson
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