- Already existing username can be saved when editing user if there are whitespaces before or after itUIU-3099Resolved issue: UIU-3099Amelia Sutton
- "Total paid amount" value is set as "$NaN" on "Refund fee/fine" modalUIU-3094Resolved issue: UIU-3094Artem Blazhko
- "Additional information for staff" field instead of "Reason for Cancellation" is displayed on "Confirm fee/fine cancellation" modalUIU-3093Resolved issue: UIU-3093Dmitriy Litvinenko
- [Custom fields] - After changes were made 'Save & close' button becomes inactiveUIU-3092Resolved issue: UIU-3092Priyanka Terala
- "Notify Patron" checkbox checked on "Waive fee/fine" modalUIU-3091Resolved issue: UIU-3091
- "Advanced search" button positioning during decreasing the size of first planeUISAUTCOMP-113Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-113Denys Bohdan
- User's name doesn't display in "Last updated by" column when user created new "Authority file"UISAUTCOMP-111Resolved issue: UISAUTCOMP-111Denys Bohdan
- Unable to open "Transfer criteria" settings sectionUIPBEX-58Resolved issue: UIPBEX-58steven turner
- "Approved" checkbox is displayed when create an order from the template with hidden "Approve" checkboxUIOR-1250Resolved issue: UIOR-1250Joseph Reimers
- "View Holdings" button doesn't open the detail view of "Holdings" when two "Instance" records are being displayed side-by-side.UIIN-2815Resolved issue: UIIN-2815Oleksandr Hladchenko
- Searching Holdings/Items (first search as well) should include "staffSuppress.false" facet by defaultUIIN-2814Resolved issue: UIIN-2814Ryan Taylor
- User can't view job profile details while the file is being uploadedUIDATIMP-1615Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1615Oleksandr Hladchenko
- [PRE-BugFest] JSON log not displaying the location of created multiple holdingsUIDATIMP-1608Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1608Mariia Aloshyna
- [PRE-BugFest] selectName is truncated under associated job profilesUIDATIMP-1607Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1607Oleksandr Hladchenko
- [PRE-BugFest] * symbol gives error when trying to search in profiles modal windowUIDATIMP-1605Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1605Oleksandr Hladchenko
- [PRE-BugFest] Sorting in DI is not working for certain columnsUIDATIMP-1604Resolved issue: UIDATIMP-1604Oleksandr Hladchenko
- "Advanced search" button positioning during decreasing the size of first plane in "Inventory" appSTSMACOM-830Resolved issue: STSMACOM-830Denys Bohdan
- UTC time is not set correctly on prebug fest envRANCHER-1288Resolved issue: RANCHER-1288Dmytro
- Pre-Q | UI error appears when user uses pagination buttons on “Logs” pane.RANCHER-1282Resolved issue: RANCHER-1282
- Pagination doesn't work when user browse for call numbers by Dewey, LC, NLM, SuDoc, Other schemeMSEARCH-704Resolved issue: MSEARCH-704Viacheslav Kolesnyk
- Data Import logs are not displayedMODSOURMAN-1154Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-1154Dmytro
- Missing Titles in "Usage & analysis" accordion of "Package" recordMODKBEKBJ-764Resolved issue: MODKBEKBJ-764Khalilah Gambrell
- Email services are not working on Pre-bug fest ENVMODEMAIL-97Resolved issue: MODEMAIL-97Dmytro
- Quesnelia Prep | Data import job doesn't start after file was uploadedMODDATAIMP-1032Resolved issue: MODDATAIMP-1032Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Monitoring Qusnelia mod-data-export resources and logsBF-699Resolved issue: BF-699Dmytro
- eHoldings "Failed to fetch messages"BF-698Resolved issue: BF-698Dmytro
- eHoldings provider missingBF-697Resolved issue: BF-697Dmytro
- "Bulk edit" uploading files issueBF-696Resolved issue: BF-696Dmytro
- Unable to login in Quesnelia non-ecs envBF-694Resolved issue: BF-694Dmytro
- MARC bib's field is not unlinked after linked "MARC authority" record was deletedBF-672Resolved issue: BF-672Dmytro
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