- Allow user to Download or resend EDIFACT order exportsUXPROD-3498Resolved issue: UXPROD-3498Dennis Bridges
- Translated library-defined controlled vocabulariesUXPROD-3148
- Prep for Create/Renew orders in FOLIO from EBSCONETUXPROD-2588Resolved issue: UXPROD-2588Dennis Bridges
- Claiming unreceived AND unreceivable items workflowUXPROD-1845Resolved issue: UXPROD-1845Dennis Bridges
- ILL between FOLIO librariesUXPROD-1764Hkaplanian
- UI for Order API integration (for creating Purchase Orders)UXPROD-1594
- Cross-tenant union catalog supportUXPROD-1434
- Ability to roll back a load if problemsUXPROD-1383Ryan Taylor
- Enable institutions to execute a Fiscal Year end and rollover necessary budgets and other financial objectsUXPROD-1149Resolved issue: UXPROD-1149Dennis Bridges
- Interact with external financial or eProcurement systems to process payments and creditUXPROD-1145Dennis Bridges
- GOBI API integration for creating Purchase Orders, BasicUXPROD-989Resolved issue: UXPROD-989Ann-Marie Breaux
- Loan Policy: Renew From Current Due Date *X Days Prior*UXPROD-762Cheryl Malmborg
- Ability to use shortcuts in the To-do appUXPROD-743
- Ability to use shortcuts in the Workflow appUXPROD-742
- Ability to set up automated tasksUXPROD-741
- Ability for 3rd party app developers to provide manual-task building blocks for the WF appUXPROD-740
- Ability to share a workflow on a Store, and import other people's workflowsUXPROD-739
- Ability to set up manual-task workflows through a sophisticated and user friendly GUIUXPROD-738
- Ability to set up manual-task workflows through a rudimentary GUIUXPROD-737
- Import EDIFACT compatible purchase orders for renewalsUXPROD-680Dennis Bridges
- Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT formatUXPROD-531Resolved issue: UXPROD-531Dennis Bridges
- Translated library-generated controlled vocabulariesUXPROD-515
- User-level locale and time zone settingUXPROD-510
- Numerals aside from arabic numerals (e.g. Indian)UXPROD-504
- Support for the Dublin Core formatUXPROD-458
- Support for Bibframe2UXPROD-457Resolved issue: UXPROD-457
- Support for RDA standardUXPROD-456Resolved issue: UXPROD-456
- Date tickler systemUXPROD-423
- Custom FieldsUXPROD-396Khalilah Gambrell
- Support for currencies without decimalsUXPROD-299Resolved issue: UXPROD-299
- Union Catalog supportUXPROD-293
- Users App: Additional Identifier FieldsUXPROD-261Resolved issue: UXPROD-261patty.wanninger
- Check-in: Change date/time actions for an item returnedUXPROD-249Resolved issue: UXPROD-249Cheryl Malmborg
- Single MARC Record Integration with OCLCUXPROD-211Resolved issue: UXPROD-211Mike Gorrell
- Removable fieldsUXPROD-208
- Renew orders in FOLIO from EBSCONETUXPROD-190Resolved issue: UXPROD-190Dennis Bridges
- Provide links to users: Bibliographic records are supporting links (URLs) to digital objects (e.g. table of contents, full texts).UXPROD-153Resolved issue: UXPROD-153Charlotte Whitt
- Linked data. Pull data into FOLIO from external sources based on linksUXPROD-152Charlotte Whitt
- Allow user to match headings in a metadata record against user defined authority files or thesauriUXPROD-147Resolved issue: UXPROD-147
- Usage and management of authority data (local and external)UXPROD-146Resolved issue: UXPROD-146
- A process is needed to periodically refresh the record against the source (Knowledge base)UXPROD-127Charlotte Whitt
- Bulk edit Inventory recordsUXPROD-120Magda Zacharska
- Loans list: Display author and sort by first authorUXPROD-85Resolved issue: UXPROD-85Cheryl Malmborg
- Profile picturesUXPROD-36Resolved issue: UXPROD-36Amelia Sutton
- CRUD email TypesUIU-1682
- Show # of Associated Users in Delete Confirmation PopupUIU-383Resolved issue: UIU-383Aditya matukumalli
- Support Selection of Multiple Preferred Contact Method ValuesUIU-275
- Modify Import to Support Repeatable PhonesUIU-259
- Modify Import to Support Repeatable EmailsUIU-258
- CRUD Email TypesUIU-257
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Allow libraries to download or resend previously exported EDIFACT files. If something goes wrong during the upload to vendor FTP location the library will want to resend the File asap.
This functionality was split off of because there was not enough capacity in Lotus. See and related wiki page for more detail.
Additional Resources:
Wiki requirements
Workflow and Jira map