- Should be a graceful error when duplicate proxy/sponsor addedUIU-925Resolved issue: UIU-925Michal Kuklis
- Proxy/sponsor "Expiration date" that was entered is not what was savedUIU-924Resolved issue: UIU-924Michal Kuklis
- Every proxy/sponsor relationship created shows up as "Inactive"UIU-923Resolved issue: UIU-923Holly Mistlebauer
- System error occurs when searching for last name of userUIU-922Resolved issue: UIU-922
- Changing a user's status to Inactive renders unexpected behaviourUIU-921Resolved issue: UIU-921
- User Expiration Date Showing 1 Day Earlier in Edit Than ViewUIU-919Resolved issue: UIU-919
- Settings: Settings 4 Pane Layout Looks BadUIU-918Resolved issue: UIU-918
- Patron Group Menu Caret Obscures ContentUIU-916Resolved issue: UIU-916Maxim Didenko
- Pane header dropdown | Edit Option Displaying for "Users: Can view user profile"UIU-915Resolved issue: UIU-915Oleksandr Antonenko
- Double Asterisk on Last Name on User RecordUIU-914Resolved issue: UIU-914Oleksandr Antonenko
- Can't Manually Make a User InactiveUIU-913Resolved issue: UIU-913Michal Kuklis
- Adding Permission to User Displays Address Type Validation ErrorUIU-912Resolved issue: UIU-912Emma Boettcher
- Users, loans: Exiting user's open loans leads to narrow user informationUIU-909Resolved issue: UIU-909Emma Boettcher
- Users, service points: not all service points display for userUIU-908Resolved issue: UIU-908
- Users, loans - renewal overrides: Override modal stylingUIU-906Resolved issue: UIU-906Oleksandr Antonenko
- "Settings (Tenant ): display list of settings pages" (and similar) Permissions Exist When they Shouldn'tUITEN-35Resolved issue: UITEN-35Zak Burke
- Hold shelf expiration period is not marked as requiredUITEN-10Resolved issue: UITEN-10Emma Boettcher
- Proxy Popup Displaying in Requests Upon EditUIREQ-291Resolved issue: UIREQ-291Michal Kuklis
- Able to recall item for patron that has item checked out alreadyUIREQ-238Resolved issue: UIREQ-238
- Clicking on Item barcode in Item Information section of Request Detail page causes 500 status errorUIREQ-237Resolved issue: UIREQ-237
- Not all item metadata displayed while creating/displaying a requestUIREQ-236Resolved issue: UIREQ-236Cate Boerema
- It is possible to create request with the Expiration date in the pastUIREQ-230Resolved issue: UIREQ-230
- Request cannot be updatedUIREQ-229Resolved issue: UIREQ-229
- It is possible to save request with without specifying service pointUIREQ-227Resolved issue: UIREQ-227Aditya matukumalli
- Location page crashes when adding/viewing a Location with location detailsUIORG-152Resolved issue: UIORG-152
- The UI crashes when adding Location DetailsUIORG-151Resolved issue: UIORG-151
- Vendors not always available when creating new POUIOR-151Resolved issue: UIOR-151
- Can't create PO prefix and suffixUIOR-150Resolved issue: UIOR-150
- Do not allow a PO Line to be added to an Open PO, and return an appropriate error message to the userUIOR-144Resolved issue: UIOR-144Dennis Bridges
- "My profile: Can view settings for users profile" is missingUIMPROF-33Resolved issue: UIMPROF-33
- Waiting 10+ seconds between inventory requests makes responses at least 3X slowerUIIN-517Resolved issue: UIIN-517
- Permissions. Inventory. Spelling error. ILL policiesUIIN-516Resolved issue: UIIN-516Viktor Soroka
- Settings. Inventory > Instance > Instance status typesUIIN-515Resolved issue: UIIN-515
- Inventory search results are rendered inconsistentlyUIIN-514Resolved issue: UIIN-514
- Permissions: Settings (Inventory): Can create, edit and remove locally defined resource types" is missingUIIN-513Resolved issue: UIIN-513Aditya matukumalli
- SPIKE: Item record. Scroll bar in the middle of the Electronic Access Accordion (detailed view)UIIN-512Resolved issue: UIIN-512Rasmus Wølk
- Mismatch in the Item record of display of Electronic access dataUIIN-511Resolved issue: UIIN-511Charlotte Whitt
- Primary Contributor Layout UpdateUIIN-503Resolved issue: UIIN-503Rasmus Wølk
- Make eholdings UI permissions effectiveUIEH-669Resolved issue: UIEH-669Khalilah Gambrell
- Custom Embargo: Removing Custom Embargo will not enable Save buttonUIEH-668Resolved issue: UIEH-668Khalilah Gambrell
- Resource: Unable to reset to Managed Coverage DateUIEH-667Resolved issue: UIEH-667Khalilah Gambrell
- Change custom coverage tests in accordance with the new back-end responseUIEH-666Resolved issue: UIEH-666maksym_dryha
- Package/Resource: Removing Coverage Date will not allow you to saveUIEH-665Resolved issue: UIEH-665Khalilah Gambrell
- Package Detail Record: Search within titles does not workUIEH-663Resolved issue: UIEH-663Khalilah Gambrell
- Settings: Circulation: Permission is not workingUICIRC-214Resolved issue: UICIRC-214
- "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove fixed due date schedules" doesn't show settingsUICIRC-212Resolved issue: UICIRC-212
- Circulation Rules Editor - Unexpected errors when modifying rulesUICIRC-210Resolved issue: UICIRC-210Michal Kuklis
- Autocompletion in Circulation rules editor is over the textUICIRC-209Resolved issue: UICIRC-209Emma Boettcher
- Loan policies: can't un-select due date scheduleUICIRC-208Resolved issue: UICIRC-208Emma Boettcher
- Proxy data is incorrect in Check out modalUICHKOUT-502Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-502Michal Kuklis
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